yeah i just feel like there’s something kind of different even about the rock’s more comedic stuff, like it’s all part of some meta-joke about the rock as a public figure. i don’t get that impression when it’s bautista in the cool glasses in blade runner, for example, he just is that guy.
Vin Diesel scowled so The Rock could grin
going on record again as having bad taste, the 3049th episode, but i laughed because of some of his scenes in Jumanji Reboot + Sequel.
He … kinda… rocks?..
I admit this whole post was just a vehicle for this joke, and i regret a lot, but not this attempt.
yeah actually I watched both of those on planes and liked them a lot
it’s certainly nothing but crowd pleasing but those had perfectly enjoyable casts and scripts
And that’s the best description of the rock, isn’t it?
It makes you feel good watching him do goofy stuff and yet being a giant cuddly teddy that can kill the bad guys.
Each period deserves the artists it gets (and forms), and i guess that we need the Rock in the world we created.
otoh, John Wick… what does that tell us about ourselves
watched West Side Story for the first time tonight, and i feel like i can finally say, definitively, that musicals are just not for me lol
my mom took me to Broadway every few years growing up, i’ve watched a bunch, and now i feel like i’ve seen what is definitively one of the best musical films ever produced, and the most positive feelings i have about it are that it was “neat” and “cute.”
i think there is, theoretically, a kind of musical that could really grip me, but i don’t think it could or would ever actually exist.
was fun to see Dr. Jacoby and Ben Horne singing and dancing, though
Last night I saw evil magic beach age-em-up Old. I had a lot more fun than I expected!
Key points:
The opening and closing credits text symbolically “ages” by starting as sans serif and then gradually growing serifs
The child dialogue is best-in-class, perfect kid-brain goofy idiocy that delights without falling into “kids say the darndest things” shtick.
One of the main characters is a rapper named Mid-Size Sedan!
The best visual scare is a perfect blend of the final panel of Enigma of Amigara Fault and the part in Tails Gets Trolled where Shadow talks about breaking and reforming his bones while in Time Prison. Like, both are such clear antecedents that I honestly believe that at least one of the two was a conscious inspiration, possibly both. Only Shyamalan would dare.
This movie fucking goes hard occasionally, certain scenes follow the premise to places I did not think a hollywood movie would touch. Everything to do with the pregnancy, including the shot of the moldy blanket filled with baby ashes.
The method for escaping the beach is to do a Donkey Kong Country water level.
Re: the last point. I bet the music isn’t as good!
Imagine if they just threw Aquatic Ambience over that scene. Would have felt completely earned imo.
Not my favorite genre by any means but Tommy and Oliver are still two films I very much love to this day
For Musicals and Ballet and Opera I can take 20 minutes of a great time then I must leave.
So like the 17 minute Musicals at Disney parks is perfect for me.
Don’t think I have hated a movie more than Once…Hollywood. A burning fire of hating that film.
Finally watched Knives Out with Melissa last night. Not a bad time, Daniel Craig’s performance was the worst part about it imho. I just think he was miscast in this role. Not sure who I would have rather had.
Channing Tatum imo
Mmm I think I’d want someone older though. Maybe have Val Kilmer dust off his Doc Holiday voice
is this like original vs remaster or something?
i was thinking those end credits were very flashy when i saw em last year