2x required crystal flash whoa
Played a hack with a custom soundtrack the other day:
Polarity is a mid-sized hack made for a collab/contest last year. I really liked it, but not without some caveats — early-game progression is hard to find, the custom item is really janky, and there are a few really bizarre design decisions in general. By all means the hack constantly feels like it’s about to fall apart, but somehow it manages to hold together in the end.
Recommended if the aesthetic piques your interest and you have a mild tolerance for sicko-brained stuff.
oh, it’s just the first one? hah
doesn’t look all that different, but what happened to the doors?
what did happen to the doors? they look the same as ever
looks like the opacity of the color overlay was tweaked
idk I think overall it looks substantially better than the original. pretty much all of the geometry has been redone in addition to higher res textures and nicer looking effects.
Is it true it doesn’t mark data things you look at that would drive me insane.
I mean it’s exactly the same as the original in that things you’ve already scanned are faded out but still scannable
what I learned that really cheesed me off is that the original PAL release had terrible script rewrite, and it’s been the default script ever since in all territories:
The original had three different voices: Space pirate reports, dry and technical but with paranoia and chaotic undercurrents, Chozo, flowery and in an unclear tense (going for Buddhist themes), and suit encyclopedic bits. The rewrite pushes everything closer to the same voice but is especially damaging to the Chozo. The new voice is much more direct and gives them action and agency rather than the a removed perspective that watches itself being eaten with fascination. Who would do this!
Fountain – Chozo Ruins: Ruins Entrance (USA)
At the highest point of our city lies the fountain, a wellspring of pure water that flows throughout our civilization. It is the jewel of the Chozo, the life-giver, and yet its waters speak of a clouded future. As we come to understand the paths of time and space more clearly, we have begun to glimpse rough tatters of past and future, glittering behind reality like soft lights behind a curtain. We have seen the fountain in these glimpses, pouring darkness instead of water, and we cannot guess what the visions mean.
Fountain – Chozo Ruins: Vault (Europe)
Many long years have passed since we Chozo first took root in this land. The passage of time has always been a source of fascination to us; it is the belief of many Chozo sages that the truths of the universe hide within the tumbling currents of time’s flow. Even as we search for answers there, however, we find illumination in other, unexpected places. We know not how the ability has come to us, but recently many Chozo have begun to sense things beyond the realm of ordinary perception. Strange sights and inexplicable sensations flood our minds, filling us with visions of past and future. We take this growing ability to be a sign of our burgeoning harmonization with the infinite; perhaps, finally, the universe’s secrets are becoming known to us.
ok that is interesting because playing through this all the chozo entries felt off in a way that I couldn’t put my finger on, and I chalked it up to rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia or whatever. but no, they actually did fuck with it and it’s like, objectively worse. wow! I’m mad now!
If I had to hazard a guess, it was feedback between the NA release and the PAL release that the story was too unclear. But the game is already a huge step to being comfortable and legible as it is; I like it because I think those are downsides it shares with Super Metroid and at least it’s building a richer world with it. Trading suggestiveness for clarity pulls it closer to everything else and leads directly to where the series would go from here.
you say that but I remember reading over that exact message in the remaster several times and being impressed at how little it says while using so many words. it’s like the worst kind of writing, using more words to somehow say even less! I’d go so far as to argue the meaning is changed; the original text is much clearer to me than the revision. like why have an additional entire sentence about being fascinated by the flow of time? that’s not even in the original and has nothing to do with the concluding sentences. it’s just awkward fluff.
Not all the lines in the original are great but the rewrite can’t seem to tell the difference between imagery and verbiage.
They note that the messages were re-ordered, too, which is why there isn’t a 1:1 match for any of these; you can feel someone rearranging the sentences in a script spreadsheet as you look over it.
I am kinda ticked off that, despite all the graphical work that went into this remaster, that nobody at Retro had the job of reviewing all the changes made between the original version 1.0 and the Trilogy release and seeing what should be reverted. Instead, the most compromised and ineptly tampered version was treated as an immutable sacred text, and so we’re still stuck with these inept retcons and no space-jump-first.
I was really surprised to hear about the 3-shot burst when you hold to charge, how could a bug like that make it through?
Now that I’ve played it on an Xbox controller, I think it must have been an adaption to how much the game asks for rapid-fire and mapping it to RT/ZR (this is something much better on a Switch controller with a digital trigger button). That’s an interesting idea, but I wish you could turn it off because it feels wrong. They had to make another big compromise in giving up the C-stick as a 4-button switch and you need to switch Dpad layers to get at weapon select, like you’re playing a Souls game.
And apparently the Wii remake already added a jump button to the morph ball? Huh! Kind of strange but I’ve served my time doing triple bomb jumps in this game before so I’ll take it.
is this something they “corrected” or are you saying the original was not like this, i distinctly remember it was ??
Yeah, when it felt weird I went back to check. Original logic is:
- Normal shot on button down
- Charge while button held
- Charge shot if ready on button release
New logic is:
- Normal shot on button down
- 2 more shots then charge while button held
- Charge shot if ready on button release
It seems way too big to be a bug to me, I think it’s a design choice.