metroid quarantine thread

Vitality is at once dumb and gross and offensive, yet also smart and beautiful and contemplative — stoner art at its most unnaturally refined.

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i disagree, the art in both their metroids is really bad, and dread has a huge like, lack of texture from what we’ve seen so far


Alright I’ll put it on the RP2. It can’t be worse than Super.


I don’t know if I’d express it the way stavekoff did but I have been biting my lip pretty hard in this thread trying to figure out what about what we’ve seen of dread at all reflects what someone would want out of metroid unless the cutscenes were the only thing that bothered you about other m.

whoever made the joke about this taking place in an apple store or whatever was onto something, for sure

I guess I just feel like I blinked and woke up in a world where no one ever wrote ten million words about metroid evoking slow, dry, contemplative, ecosurvival. like if everyone suddenly referred to metal gear rising revengeance as mgs5.

I don’t want to think of myself as totally blocked off to the potential to riff in another direction, but it’s not exactly like the series has had so many opportunities to meaningfully re-explore its original themes that it’s stodgy and backwards-facing to think there’s a lot being lost here? a 2d sequel to vanquish sounds alright on paper but it’s not what I would’ve been looking for in this case


also has everyone just fully given up on a future where samus isn’t the most boring version of horny they could come up with


oh, uh, cool

it might not be your cup of tea (that’s fine), but i hope you find something to like in it

just make sure you find at least one energy tank before moving on to the second area

i’m wondering how many people here actually have a glowing opinion of all four mainline metroid titles. seems like there’s always at least one that doesn’t click for someone

(for me it’s super, but i’m holding back from pinning that down to any particular design choices; it could honestly be some weird sensory thing, like the floaty camera throwing off the crisp kinetic feedback i need to get from a platformer)


it’s me i like them all a lot!


Yup, love all the first four.


i am thirding the enjoymnt of the main 4


i love the main 4 id stake my reputation as a bullshit contrarian on it and ive staked my reputation on less before

1 is am incredible sci fi jaunt texture lovingly through timecapsule by all of the weird art about it. there is so much old school metroid out there on the internet. in romhacks and fanfiction and art it’s a blank, haunting camvas posessing that same fantastic zelda I fantasy

metroid ii doubles down on the haunting and is downright bleak. a maze of murderscapes, written better. an experimental soundtrack ive literally talked with musicians about at their own show and been surprised to find out they’re fans of.

super metroid is the ur-lockemup ecological adventure. explore a wasteland taken over by pirates. plumb depths that you only half remember the symbolism of. samus’ suit is shaded like it has an appropriate layer of grime. super metroid is a promise no lockemup ever delivered on. grimy, fetid, decaying planet unraveling before you.

fusion is the oppositem sterlized. clean. what you again, expect from a doctors office or an apple store. a scientists idea of what nature is like, occupied by the most harmful virus thst ever existed. under an alarm, the AI warns you: there’s more than one SA-X and she’s hungry


i never got past the initial confusion on getting lost in 1 tbh. think i made it to norfair once?


finding ice beam is the main hurdle i think. pretty sure i had to consult a guide for its location in brinstar. the varia suit is similarly obscure, but not necessary to progress

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this is an awesome post

i only ever played 1 after SM so its weird to think about how just remembering the layout of zebes helpef me when i eventually played the og metroid


1 sucks, don’t copy and paste rooms in your map-less exploration game.




I have never enjoyed an NES game


I think what gives me some amount of hope is that this game is based on a concept that has been sitting in limbo since the early aughts, intended as a direct sequel to fusion, which still holds up as a great game despite not really doing the whole dry contemplative ecosurvival thing. the initial aesthetic and premise of fusion wasn’t that exciting to me at the time but it ended up being my favorite gba game and maybe my favorite metroid title. so the whole apple store thing doesn’t bother me as much, I’m holding out some hope that the game’s environment and atmosphere is more diverse than that (which was very true of fusion).

there are plenty of opportunities for it to suck, especially with mercury steam behind things, but I’m choosing to enjoy feelings of hopeful anticipation today.


the playchoice-10 version of metroid has an in-game map on one of the pages on the top screen. it’s on the third “help” screen so the videos of pc-10 metroid on youtube don’t even show it and i guess you’d need to use MAME for this since the NES emulators probably don’t do both screens for PC-10 stuff
