i’ll say that the midi controller I use (the MIDI Fighter 3D) has sanwa buttons and it is The Dreamiest
I essentially stopped doing gameboy-only music so I could play with it
i’ll say that the midi controller I use (the MIDI Fighter 3D) has sanwa buttons and it is The Dreamiest
I essentially stopped doing gameboy-only music so I could play with it
Anybody here use a trackball mouse for gaming and/or everyday computing tasks? And if so do you recommend a particular one?
I don’t but I looked into trackballs and everyone suggested the current logitech wireless trackball.
edit: link https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/wireless-trackball-m570
also, the other trackballs look really good, too. I imagine they’d be better for super monkey ball.
Is the dual-analogue for a specific game? Normally I find N64 port to, say, GameCube mildly distracting because the C-buttons map well but not perfectly to a right-analog stick.
I’d imagine it’s for Goldeneye’s dual analog mode?
I’ve used a logitech trackman marble(https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/trackman-marble) for everyday computing tasks for the last 7 or 8 years. I don’t usually use it for gaming though.
I switched to a trackball for ergonomic reasons and prefer this model to the one with the trackball under the thumb.
I used one of these for many years as well, though it is quite big and may not be a good fit for all environments. I have also used a Kensington Orbit which is smaller and also works quite well.
Mildly related - are there apps that turn android phones into input devices for PC? I’d really be down for a trackpad or virtual trackball situation when I just have my laptop or phone. I’d also be interested in apps that turned phones into game controllers…
Yeah, there’re a bunch. Haven’t tried any yet, but it’s something I looked into a while ago for some reason I can’t remember.
Hmm. Maybe it was was when I was looking into how they’re used for MIDI stuff.
This looks pretty nice. The scroll ring sounds like a nice feature.
Many moons ago I was at a flee market in mount pleasant and got myself a cheap controller for the pc because I didn’t have one at the time. Ole Thrusty
I freaking loved this stupid little thing. One of the best controllers for playing random mame emulation shooties or snes games.
I went through 4 or 5 of these Thrustmaster Firestorms in the mid 2000s with general emulation + late night Kaillera. At some point I remember them switching from a more loosy goosy d-pad to a tighter unit and the dream was dead.
Great pads.
How could they? That thing was the best. I think I still have it laying around some where. I am feeling nostalgic for some Neo Geo emulation. Fire up that Viewpoint.
Those Thrustmaster d-pads are so weirdly mushy. I bought one of those for a friend ages ago and it took me so long to adapt to it when we’d take turns working through the GBC Zeldas. Once I got the feel for it, I kind of loved it though.
I kinda like the conceptual setup of Joy-Cons with an analog stick and six action buttons, but I hate the actual buttons and stick placement. Are there any control pads that are just an analog stick plus six buttons?