
Two things today:

  1. Immediately after the table that defines the transverse (sideways) motion of the wave beam, there’s another table that is unused, but appears to work with the wave beam as well.
.waveSpeedTable: ; 01:5183 - Wave speed table (transverse velocity)
    db $00, $07, $05, $02, $00, $fe, $fb, $f9, $00, $f9, $fb, $fe, $00, $02, $05, $07
    db $80

.waveSpeedTable_alt: ; 01:5194 - Unused (alternate wave table -- motion blur makes it looks very spazer-like)
    db $0A, $F6, $F6, $0A, $0A, $F6, $F6, $0A, $0A, $F6, $F6, $0A, $80

Here’s what it looks like in action.

alt wave beam

Apologies for my gif recorder making it look jankier than it is, but in person it mainly looks like a blurrier version of the spazer. Perhaps this was a earlier version of the spazer, or perhaps the visual similarity made them choose to make the wave beam’s pattern more sophisticated.

  1. image

:100: :partying_face: :100:

now i just need to multiply that number by 20 and i’ll be caught up with the link’s awakening disassembly (that’s how code works right?)