Linux on a laptop

i do! i’ve been makin games mostly by myself for like 8 years now, but because i’ve never programmed outside of a videogame context i’m completely unfamiliar with “actual” software development; like idk nuthin abt compiling from source or patching or making pull requests or w/e… but i’d love to!

gentoo has the best logo by far~! but it does sound kinda scary.

cos stuff like this sounds good but in practical terms i don’t know what it means, like the actual steps involved in something like this, and the knowledge required to interface with it safely.

i’ve downloaded ISOs for… debian, mint (i appreciate that mint forced me to learn that 7zip has a hashing function), fedora, gentoo, and ubuntu, but so far i’ve only looked at plain old ubuntu (on the basis that it has some of the highest general support) and uh yeah it sure is a pretty normal OS. its “welcome to ubuntu” program had some serious visual problems and then crashed, but once that happened it was perfectly responsive and functional hahaha.
i’ll go through these distros and see how i feel about them, and then if one of them particularly stands out i’ll make a bootable flash drive and see how it feels when it has access to the integrated GPU.