Linux on a laptop

yeah, that’s basically what i have been doing for the last 12 years. Install the LTS [u]buntu-version and keep it updated, that’ll cover most of the use cases or normal™ people.

If one is into building bleeding edge drivers or programs, they’ll be pretty likely well versed enough to be able to stab ubuntu in the back, install arch and galaxy-brain their way into realms that the ubuntu-proletarians will never reach.

But yeah, 2nding the notion that if you don’t wanna compile CPU-fan drivers, ubuntu/derived OSes are your best bet for “it works” kind of low-maintenance.

just never, NEVER, NEVER compile radeon-drivers yourself and expect them to work. That is the 21st century equivalent of voodoo-magic going on into your box, and you don’t wanna mess with the powers that be.
… if you still decide to do so, use the cmd-params
- - accident=waiting2happen