Linux on a laptop

the documentation is second to none and the community package repository is way, way simpler in practice than having to configure 2 dozen PPAs for user-maintained packages and get inevitable versioning headaches if you have exotic needs, plus you’re never at the victim of whatever dumb shit canonical decides needs to go into upstream ubuntu on an annual basis

if you Work With Linux you kind of can’t help touching every ecosystem (which is why it’s good in general to like, know how systemd behaves and all of that), you’ll almost always be in an RPM environment on production servers, if you use a lot of modern tooling maintained by reluctant cross-platform developers who follow canonical’s documentation you’ll have to manage snaps too, everything is dockerized now on top of that which isn’t a bad thing, and while I think there are good reasons that debian package management is the most common overall and I’m happy to work with it on a raspberry pi or w/e else I encounter some exotic linux, I much preferred arch + upstream gnome to any alternative for desktop Linux when I was using it for a good chunk of the 2010s. my experience was that way more packages were more predictable and better maintained on bleeding edge than they were in “stable” releases.

you seem to be on a minimal computing kick between the memory management in chrome and crunchbang and tbh I don’t see much practical use for that with a modern desktop workstation, but it’s a much different matter if you’re working in a deliberately constrained environment (like if I bought one of those raspberry pi keyboard cases that look like a BBC micro I’d be psyched to run #! on there)

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