there’s apparently a droid tho the character is not featured in the trailer
Sorry everyone, I’m going to keep talking about star wars. After all, it’s in the title of this thread. There’s another star wars discussion in the other thread, but I feel like it’s safe to have TFA spoilers in this one now.
But that discussion transformed into kind of a weird debate over whether the new movie was shitty JJ Abrams poop or whether it was merely an extremely derivative (but more or less faithful) replication of the same weird convergence of storytelling and toyselling of the original films.
But this is a pretty good example IMO of why this stuff still works basically just as well in TFA as it did in the past:
So, C-3P0 for some reason has a red arm in TFA, which appears to exist solely for the purpose of a (to me) funny joke where C-3P0 acts totally oblivious to everything and comes across as being both extremely self centered but also really excited to see his old buddies, when Han and Leia are having an obviously fraught reunion he can’t help but interrupt and blather on about how he might not be recognizable because of his red arm. I thought it was a really funny gag, worked with the character, and diffused the scene before it could get too melodramatic, but some people hated it because the “red arm was never explained aghhh everything must happen for a reaaaasooonnnn”
well, of course, in true star wars fashion, there is a reason, and you have to buy a comic book to find out!
apparently the comic is actually good, and actually kind of makes it a little fucked up that no one cares about C-3P0s red arm, as the experience that led to him getting it is actually pretty fucking terrifying.
But my point is the moment still works perfectly fine the way it is in the film. Not all of them do, but in my opinion the movie does just as good a balancing act between the intimations of stuff that will get further explained in the nu EU and stuff that just has to happen for the sake of the 2 hour movie you are currently watching. But ymmv I guess, who cares.
I’m so ready for this movie
I didn’t know donnie yen was in this movie. over/under on how long his character lives? like an hour, right?
R.I.P. Kenny Baker
Jiang Wen is in the movie too, I honestly considered posting this trailer in my lonely Chinese ish film thread
but then no one would see it
here’s where i start to get irritated at this gen of SW movies blatantly disregarding prequel continuity
Dave Filoni is that you??
i mean, who doesn’t want to see a gritty, practical effects-based take on geonosis
star wars needs more bug people
I have a peripheral awareness of what’s going on in Rebels and their attempts to reconcile the absurdity of a galaxy-wide totalitarian government with the kind of wookiepedian detail The Fans Crave never cease to amuse.
I can’t stand the character design/animation style of either clone wars or rebels, and it’s making it really hard for me to remain a True Fan. Though tbh none of the EU stuff has ever mattered at all to me. I just want the movies to make sense with one another, but now that I think of it there probably is some dumbass explanation for the death star no longer being designed by geonosians in a cartoon or whatever. Hell this movie will probably be highly enjoyable but it still looks like it has the same general tone as the pre-prequel EU stuff… gritty, cynical take on star wars starring a barely modified Han Solo-like rogue. She’ll probably have a lightsaber by the end of the movie.
I don’t know about this gritty, cynical take on evan y’all
I’ve got u_u’s Disney Infinity figure stashed NIB for when he’s featured in an anthology film.
looks pretty fine but I just can’t take that level of Trailer Dialogue. I don’t know why they don’t just have robots writing our movies already.
Alright, I gotta to admit I am hyped for Rogue One. I thought I stopped being optimistic about movies after Indiana Jones 4, but Rogue One got to me. I think it will be better than Episode 7.