that and Tie pilots are in frickin space suits instead of just a jumpsuit with a visor since the cabin of a TIE fighter isn’t even pressurized
I liked Rogue One more than Force Awakens. Fight me.
i think i liked FA a bit more than R1, but mostly because it felt… peppier? It is awesome and good that both have female protagonists, but I wish the filmmakers had been willing to do a bit more to distinguish Jyn from Rey, as white ladies raised essentially as orphans in a tuff environment who get swept up in the rebellion/resistance due largely to circumstances that have nothin to do with who they are as people and everything to do with their daddies (etc)
on a totally unrelated note, one thing i liked about r1 that makes me want to see it again, is how so much of the film aesthetically n technically felt like deliberate pleasure-delaying to prepare you for another viewing of the OT
minor things i noticed that are probably just the tip of the iceberg-
-you never get the classic directly-behind-the-cockpit view of a ship jumping to hyperspace, it’s always off-kilter a little bit, or you see the jump from the outside
-the score is reminiscent of the john william’s themes but never hits the melodies on the nose, the whole thing feels kind of like a prelude
those things were a lot more effective to me than the deliberate callbacks in the dialogue n plot like, ‘i know a man… an old man… some say he goes by ben kenobi’ or whatever
i’m still waiting for the cinematic genius who is able to make an interquel that perfectly segues from episode iii to, well, rogue one i guess at this point. because r1 takes place like… a week before ANH? I still want someone to try the seemingly impossible task of making a live action movie that shows a world where the weird gaudy bullshit of the prequel trilogy somehow exists alongside the beat up space junk of the ot
Never watch Rebels. It will make you sad.
Maul comes back as a spider cyborg.
Super Star Wars goes a long way accomodating the player to a small but strange dustball that broadens into the suggestion of a wider, weirder galaxy.
I replayed this for the first time since my childhood on PS4 today, is all.
yeah the whole super star wars series is unbelievable
i feel like it is the last gasp of star wars just being this weird thing that people had kind of stopped paying attention to before the hype machine started revving up again
Videogames were quite enough to carry the IP, shoulda never gone back George
Shadows of the Empire should have been the model all future star wars related things followed. Except the lizard rape.
Here is a game ripe for a remake. Did you ever play Star Wars Bounty Hunter? I thought it was going for a similar thing: Jetpacks and blasters.
Funnily enough I just played it for the first time recently. A very poorly designed and often tedious game, but I was well rewarded with glitches and the last chapter which consisted of flame-roasting dozens of junkie cultists.
i don’t even think this is a very good title but somehow this still just makes me feel so much less depressed about what to expect from 2017
i just watched Rogue One finally and i liked it…maybe about the same as i liked VII but for different reasons. the last 3 minutes are equal parts cathartic and irritatingly dumb.
agreeing with a lot of thoughts in this thread, mine is that i loved the little Death Star team logo on the engineers’ suits and loved that someone took the time to Graphic Design that
oh hey, speaking of the best worst part of that movie
Oh good grief CG Fisher welp never watching Rogue One
i spent the entire movie thinking "wow the effects are really fantastic and non-intrusive and looked lived in…except everytime Tarkin was on screen and i thought i was watching a Mass Effect cutscene (who told that animator that "loose hair’ made it look more “realistic”??)
complete surprise at the end. i was actually kind of mad about it? i loved Carrie Fisher’s books more than anything else and her death is still kind of fresh to me so it felt…really lame? (in a movie that was pretty good otherwise).