RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE SBCOOP: Let’s start a cooperative


Vincent Toups
Mr Mechanical

One super concrete thing we could pool our resources on as a cooperative is paying the Apple Developer Tax. I’d love to keep Corpse Wizard on the iOS App Store, but I just don’t make the profits to justify the expense. If we had multiple apps on the store and split the cost, that would probably be a big win, at least in terms of reachable audience per dollar spent.

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Hey, baby

So does that mean you’re interested enough to pay dues?

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@Mr_Mechanical, @BLUE_BLACK_PURPLE and maybe @GlamGrimfire:

I think we should do this - first item of business would be for us to get the scratch together to get a Loomio license. We’re a member supported institution, so we’d get the 100 bucks a year package.

Once we have Loomio, we can use that to make democratic decisions about dues and our immediate goals. If there are 4 of us, two dollars a month would cover our Loomio costs. 4 dollars a month would cover Apple Tax, which would make sense assuming I’m not the only person presently supporting an app on the App store.

I’m frankly really intimidated about how we manage financials but I suppose I could talk to my credit union about setting up some kind of joint account.

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Looks like we can actually self host a Loomio instance.

I only have a shitty shared hosting environment, but I might theoretically get this running on procyonic.org.

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let me in

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I can host it on my digitalocean droplet, idk if that’s any better

I am down for Loomio and paying a due and all but what does it offer that just using the forum doesn’t?

The Coop is a place for us to pool funds and coordinate their usage for our gamedev work. Dues will produce a slush fund from which we can pay advertisers or platform taxes, for instance. Its a lot cheaper for us to publish games on iOS as a cooperative than individually. Some portion of profits for the games we develop goes back into the fund and the rest goes to the creator.

We can also use the coop to organize projects and to share tools. If we buy assets we can also share them (if the license allows them to be used in multiple games by the same developer, anyway).

The big thing, in short, is an actual pool of money to do stuff with, democratically controlled.

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Okay, sounds good.

I think I could work sometbing out and throw some moneh towards this.

I’m in as long as I can get someone to program my games for me

If you can get us to vote to do it, I guess, within some bounds, we’d be obligated.

sb has always been a safe space for closet libertarians
please sick this ban filth

Cooperatives are pretty compatible with libertarianism as far as I can see. They are totally voluntary organizations.

nah chill I’m just joshin with ya, V. Tizzle.

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I’ve decided to manage the money for this cooperative. I’m going to set up a bank account here, incorporate an LLC, and set us up with opencollective.com.

That is if there is still interest. People still down?


yeah yeah yeah?