Judge My Eyes Will Ya!


Scud Racer is pretty good.

As is Virtua Fighter 5 VerA

Does this game have a port of Scud Race in it?

Supposedly although I can’t find a single video of it on YouTube. Motor Raid is in.

Fuck yeah sorry Moto Raid. Sorry.

I think it is Scorpion Kitoh but Scorpion Bitch is also good.


Everything involving these twins is fucking awful.

Wish I had been more aggressive with all the friendships from the beginning because they gate a lot of the sidequests behind how many friends you have. And often the friendships are just “visit this place periodically.”

The game loves to interrupt you with the Kamurocho Shop Chairman telling you there are ultrabad guys around and you should take care of them. This happens about every 12 minutes.

I unlocked the girlfriend sub-game about 25 hours in. Against my previous judgement to keep Yagami volcel I tried it. It is maybe the most that this kind of thing in RgG games has felt like two adults getting to know each other. The dating choices are Adult OL that works in IT, 19 year old country girl trying to make it as a singer, and the female twin. I went on two dates with the OL and decided I had seen enough.

A lot of the side quests are pretty lazy this time around.

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I was also wrong about this it is very barebones VF5FS.

I asusme it is the same one that is in Yakuza 6, which is perfectly servicable, but lacks all the character customization stuff. Still good times for multiplayer, though.

This definitely gets better as it goes on. Chapter 9 was also just watching a 90 minute drama again. Maybe it was trying to set me up towards the end game because in the middle of a conversation three times it stopped and just let me do open world stuff and then come back to it. It was weird. Also in that convo was a labored “Wait what did you just say?” dialog.

Also I am still playing with Pierre Taki so the update did not overwrite my copy??? It honestly plays like something happened because this guy disspears for a huge junk of the story and then reappears for like a few seconds.

Also I fought a guy that looked like Jared Leto Joker.

It really helps I came back to this game and got to skip the overbearing first 10 hours of a Yakuza game.

Yeesh good ole one step forward three steps back. Remember in Persona 5 where the first part is about how a girl does not need to sell her body for the sake of her friends and then is immediately asked to sell her body for the sake of her friends?

In other news the A-plot is actually pretty good. It’s about How corporations are ultimately the structural evil in the world and use the undesirables as medical test subjects to be disposed of. And then they get the support of the justice system by money or crook so that the every day man is powerless to stop it. i bet I am still going to solve my problems with my fists.

I also like that it just makes a lot of the characters motivations messy. It could have gone either way. But it reads as messy that sometimes people just do things and then have figure out why afterwards.

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This should just by the RgG studio motto.


Y’all will not believe how this game ends.

Get ready…to Judge Again.


It’s Time To Judge Again.


Rudie, you’re Judging Again. But maybe…you’ve already Lost.


I remain impressed with how well this is handling Japanese institutional power failings.

The game will occasionally stop cutscenes to show you Yagami’s inner thoughts. There was one last night where he posed a question and it was a Gyakuten Saiban moment where the entire case for me flipped on its head.

Can’t say I expected a commercially released Sega video game to have a snuff video in it, that they play over and over.


an interesting part is where you have to assume a sexual assault victim is lying and it feels bad to do, even though that’s actually what’s happening.

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Yeah that sure did suck.

For how complicated this is as a work, it feels like it is not at all interrogating how short sighted Yagami is or his whole motivation beyond everything else is happening (I’m in Chapter 11 of 13).

He’s already been on death’s doorstep at least once this game, his friends have been severely injured, and at least 3 different “organizations” are making plans to murder him and dump his body in the ocean.

Feels like they tightened the plot screws so hard till they shattered and went “well I guess this is the plot.”

In other news I wish I had figured out you just have to get your blocks to the enemy’s base in the horrible Robotics Club game earlier. That makes it so fucking easy.

It’s weird the E-sports is like 15 minutes and the dance club (rhythm mini-game) is “you have to play every song at least 4 times, and you can’t finish it until you do all the other shit.”

Think I’ll focus on finishing the story then see how much I want to keep doing the absolute mountain of side-stuff.


Turns out a major game starring big names about how the system is broken and failing those it must protect can’f actually end with that premise and the bad guys get arrested the end.

Lady Rude watched the ending with me and we were both pretty unsatisifed.

I audibly growned when the game said True Justice Takes Time. Like that is a comfort to the victims in the mean time. It’s pretty fucked how many lives Yagami ruins at the end on the idea that it brings justice to a teacher that was more or less killed by incident than anything else.

The game of course never really interrogates that but you feel the Japanese Justice department breathing down their necks to make them look good in the game even if they spent the whole game making them look like failures.

Maybe the Kaito DLC is better.

I never unlocked girlfriends.