It Looks Like Starbound Is Done

It’s merely okay.

It feels more expansive than it is; the point where that illusion falls away is when you start accelerating through your gear tiers and haven’t been able to maintain the same progress with the main plot due to RNG. Then you just sort of coast through the rest. Combat still is clunky because of swing/shoot cooldown and remains so until staffs and guns start overtaking melee weapons at tier 5 and 6. Nothing is particularly explained well, even things like crafting which is necessary to progress through planets gated by global environmental effects.

And for the first week or so there was a massive memory leak in multiplayer servers; I may have crashed contentdeleted’s server because of that. I saw a test character and one other person whose name I’ve forgotten and that’s it.

Mods might push it to good, but I’ve finished what content there was in the base game and was left feeling like there should have been more to it than that.