no it was definitely a syfy show i was thinking of. i think @loki posted about it once
oh hmmm… maybe Lexx? that whole show is about sucking and fucking
yeah i was like “it couldn’t possibly be named the same as the dating app on my phone” but that was it
If you want to listen to a podcast about Babylon 5 while you watch, my wife does one! They just posted the episode about the prehensile dicks with special guest @Tulpa !
the horny spaceship show was lexx
(though tulpa says that farscape is also horny)
there’s a good joke in farscape where they go to a planet and meet a guy named worf and kryten (I don’t care how his name is spelled I saw red dwarf first) is like OMG HIS NAME IS WORF? DOES NO ONE FIND THAT FUNNY
farscape has 800 episodes where everyone loses their mind and hallucinates and 600 episodes where two characters are acting out some complicated bdsm predicament
farscape is SO horny
its hard to watch sometimes cuz the blue makeup almost killed the lady who wore it but she’s OK now
I came in here for lexx posting.
There was that one episode where the evil TV head becomes the American president and decides to steal the biggest dick they can find in the military.
I tried to watch some Red Dwarf recently but found it kind of …dull? I like it as a kid. Maybe it was the laugh track that did me in.
If you like the trash aspects of these shows Id suggest revisiting Xena as well.
old british comedy people will tell you that seasons 1 and 2 of red dwarf are the best, but this is insane. 4-6 are the real golden age. they start doing more interesting sci-fi concepts, and they get an effects budget that lets them do a bit of action too.
i feel like we should start a seperate 90s trash thread for stuff like lexx and xena, instead of taking over haley’s thread. but i would like to talk about 90s trash
i’ve never even seen baylon 5 but i liked jms’ run on thor in the mid-00s
Farscape is a lone American’s descent into the australian muppet bdsm scene
I keep thinking this Farscape conversation is about Stargate for some reason, which is making me sorely confused (haven’t watched either)
imagining a four quadrant graph of 90s-early 2000s sci fi where the axes are HORNY <–> CHASTE and DIRTY <–> ETHEREAL
TNG is Chaste Ethereal
DS9 is Chaste Dirty
B5 is True Dirty
Lexx is True Horny
Farscape is Horny Dirty
Dr. Crusher has sex with a candle, what more do you want
it’s presented as chastely as possible
is this from the episode with the scottish ghost romance?
yeah tng is super chaste, ds9 is edging, lexx is a gooncave and farscape is efukt
babylon 5 is the dude at the sex party in the towel in the corner
Duh of course.
Where’s Sliders land?
sliders is incel, stargate is volcel (but in a fascist way)
Did anyone ever actually watch seaQuest DSV? Where does it chart?