if kong is rong I don't want to be right

Yeah that’s the kind of good stuff I’d have hoped for! Or just random stuff like if some character’s name means something cool in Chinese or what have you. Just your view of things and what you notice. I always like to hear videogames opinions of people who have some sort of deep knowledge, in whatever area. Like that guy who plays Cities Skyline and talks about civil engineering and social justice stuff or a lawyer talking about Phoenix Wright. It doesn’t have to correspond to their profession even - a lawyer talking about Subnautica is fine too, I’m sure they’d have some unique takes there too.

You know if I could set it up so you couldn’t accidentally blow up my computer I’d let you play on mine via desktop streaming haha I thought about that as a way for sb people to let each other play games we wouldn’t normally have access to without having to buy each other 60 dollar games or whole new computers. Like, I could let people play on mine while I sleep. That would be dope. But yeah the lag wouldn’t be too good from here