If you buy hitman 2 later it’ll import the hitman 1 levels but reset all your progress
Boy, they sure have made things confusing for a first timer here. I guess the thing to do is try the demo of either 1 or 2, and then if I like it buy 2 and play 1 inside 2?
I would say go that way but if you buy 2 by itself you have to buy 1 as dlc, not sure how much that is
$20 iirc
i am also thinking about dipping into this for the first time sometime soon
Yeah, I think you can get everything 2016 had to offer for $20 in Hitman 2, minus those Saravejo Six missions that were PS4 exclusive. May as well, since progress doesn’t carry over from the old game to the new one (I mean, I played all of those levels dozens of times, what half a dozen more to unlock all the stuff I unlocked before :/).
Some extremely good videos of the suitcase going around on Twitter. I hope they never patch that bug out, but they will
I wouldn’t put it past IO to make the homing suitcase a reward for an Elusive Target.
Turns out apparently you can buy JUST the Hitman 1 Legacy Pack DLC and then activate and access it through the Hitman 2 demo, so you can actually play the new remastered Hitman 1 levels without owning Hitman 2.
This is the weirdest business model, but ok!
oh, nice
Dang it, never mind, that workaround apparently only works if you already owned Hitman 1. I don’t know what this publisher’s deal is, I’ve never been this confused about how to buy a game before.
hitman 1 is only 20 dollars so wouldn’t it be the same cost as the dlc?
The Steam page for Hitman 1 doesn’t appear to have a price or way to buy it on there. I assume I’d have to download the free trial and then buy the rest of the game in-app?
I’m looking at it and I don’t know what the hell is going on with it
you could buy a steam cd key off g2a, they got it on there for 20
Very curious about whether I should play 1 or just go right to 2. Is there strong story stuff I have to know about for 2 to work?
the story is irrelevant, it’s just a matter of how good all the levels are
In that case, I think I’ll just get 2, and if I like it a lot and want more in the future then I’ll buy the Hitman 1 DLC. Because that is actually the most cost effective route since the publisher refuses to properly sell 1 as standalone on Steam.
that’s not totally their fault, they left Squeenix between the release of the first game and now and they kept trying to repackage their original (actually smart) episodic releases into something they could conceivably resell people, and now they’re trying to Sonic 2 & Knuckles their way into making the levels from the first game which they released under a different publisher available in this one. it’s a mess however you look at it.
That explains it then! I was wondering what their deal is.
I played the Hitman 1 demo yesterday and it seemed promising. The whole artificial training theme of the two tutorial levels was bugging me. I want to be active in a real world situation! But I’m impressed with the way they’re able to use contextual commands to allow for a huge number of options in how you approach the scenarios.