Hack9 and Hacker9 are in English now!

I recently got vokoscreen working on my Ubuntu installation, which means I can record my screen while I play Hack9.

At the moment I’m stuck on the SPIKEHELL level, which is on the 2nd floor of the game (out of 5 floors total).

I’m getting really tired of dealing with SPIKEHELL. If I could have influenced BLACK BASTARD, my influence would have been to have him avoid making this stupid, annoying level. No amount of hacked save file can resist spikes with their 9999 damage. The second room in SPIKEHELL is, by far, the worst of the worst. One has to not only hop on a tank that is actively trying to kill Snort, one also has to ride that tank from the left side of the level to the right while also evading soldiers, a mech, and a goddamn attack helicopter.

I think if BLACK BASTARD had stopped to think about it he might not have had the enemy soldiers assembling and driving helicopters inside of a cavern system. Just a thought, yo.

One trick I’ve been using, and it’s a dirty one, is to take damage and then traverse the spikes while Snort is still blinking from the damage. This makes everything go a lot easier.

I still need to find a good video editing suite for GNU/Linux. I’ve always wanted to try Cinelerra but I’m too impatient to compile that complicated beast of a suite.

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