Defo worth 5 bucks. There are plenty of neat things in there,
Sleeping dogs wasn’t perfect but I still had a lot of fun with it.
im really sad there will never be a Sleepy Dugs sequel, there was uh much room for improvement in that game
the next best thing is my imaginary three-way crossover event, Sleeping Watch Dog Days: Electric Kowloonaloo 2099
you can get rpg maker vx ace for a dollar if you want it
sleeping dogs still the only open world game i’ve wholeheartedly enjoyed
i even uh, 100%'d it. and i never do that! with anything!
what did you enjoy about it? I’ve tried to play it twice but bounced off both times, would love to hear yr perspective
- the driving is excellent, especially the bikes, they handle so nimbly but u’re riding the edge in a very enjoyable way
- the side missions are very cut and paste which suits me fine for a game that is about repeatable enjoyable (ugh) ‘frictions’
- guns are very rare which makes it extremely empowering to stash one and mow people down
- i dig the whole hong kong/SEA aesthetic which is a huge part of it, reminds me a bit of when i was living in the region. people talking in a language i dont understand reduces the repetitiveness of npc dialogue
i feel like i related to sleeping dogs the way people are supposed to relate to GTA
- the combat is really fun and encourages you to push forward rather than hide behind cover like every other game
- you can buy dumplings
Late but, when you shoot a car in the tire it flies 15 feet in the air and all the doors open and everyone inside falls out. It’s hilarious.
The finale is intensely unfiltered blood opera in a way I don’t think any other game approaches.
I respect King of Dragon Pass deeply, but it was too complex for me to get into it.
oh no what does that say about me
You are the King of Dragon Pass.
Blue Revolver is 35% off until November 1:
And on itch too:
Free Watchdogs, BUT you have to log onto your Uplay account and click a button! IS IT WORTH IT? (i did it)
A year of PS Plus is currently discounted at Amazon.
I jumped on that yesterday so now I can play Gundam VS.