Got a selection of GOOD STEALS on sale, stranger! (Part 1)

60% off nu-xcom2 this weekend on steam

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Mafia 3 is cheap on steam as a part of a 2K games Steam sale

So… I just signed up for a free trial of PlayStation Now. Suddenly I was able to ‘stream’ over 500 PS3/PSN games. Dark Souls 2, Sonic Generations, 3rd Strike, Sonic CD, Sonic Generations, and MANY others.

Am I missing something here, some catch? I had no idea this was a thing. It’s kind of awesome. And definitely a STEAL, even just for seven days.

Get God Hand on this thing! And PS1 classics

the catch is that you’re streaming the games instead of playing them how God intended, on hardware you pay too much money for that will die some day because we all die


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I’d hate to think about how much bandwidth this would use up a month :fearful:

Prob. about the same as watching Youtube?

yes, I considered this for one second. then it started to dawn on me what a giant pain in the ass it is to be a gamer as opposed to a book-reader or movie-viewer.

as much as I like looking at my various consoles that I never play (like the Saturn I bought recently and have yet to hook up), I look forward to the singularity when All The Games are available on some sort of streaming network like this and I don’t have to juggle 16 different consoles with 8 different controllers to play 6 different versions of Mega Man or whatever. I am really beginning to loathe cords.

bandwidth is a good question… though my (relatively) dinky DSL works just fine for it.

Isn’t like 1/3 of all internet bandwith due to Netflix?

I still dream of a PS4 pro that plays all PS games including PSP and Vita stuff

PS Now does look cool but I am not sure i can justify 20$ a month when I have so many games on backlog on steam :frowning:

I guess some people have issues with performance, esp when playing from a PC. but I was playing Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix (god that title) and it played like butter for me (direct from PS4 on wireless connection).

Every time I hear about game streaming services I think of George Weidman’s “you like bears, huh” story.


The new Fire Emblem is up for preorder but sold out online most places. If you go to GameStop in person you can probably get a preorder

headlander currently $6 on steam. worth it?

I hear it has a writer(s?) from Archer and being a double fine product under a publisher it is more restrained instead of trying to reach to far. Haven’t heard how it actually shook out.

There’s a buy-one, get-one deal on the 3DS/Wii U versions of Severed and that is a really nice game so it might be a decent time to get it, although it doesn’t seem to have any other kind of discount applied.

football manager 17 half offfffff on steam

SOMA is discounted right now on Steam. Still one of my favorite games in recent memory.

I’ll second that, SOMA is fantastic. It’s about the horror of experiencing neuropsychological injuries that alter your perception of the world without your realizing it. What other game can you ever say that about?


Listen I touched fuzzy and got dizzy, okay