Ubisoft’s please install our PC client giveaway is currently all 7 games until December 18:
- The Crew
- Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
- Splinter Cell (1)
- Rayman Origins
- Beyond Good & Evil
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
- Assassin’s Creed 3
Ubisoft’s please install our PC client giveaway is currently all 7 games until December 18:
DiRT 3 Complete Edition is a very accessible, easy-going off-road racing game that indiegogo are currently hocking for $4.50.
The tiny sandbox mode in that game rules.
Just Cause 2 is less than $4 on steam winter sale. I will buy this when I get home. Haven’t played this series yet, but looks like it could be a laugh and a half.
Sony should start paying me for how much I post about their sales in this thread:
Mirror’s Edge too, Republique, Hitman, Overwatch, GTA Five, BloodBorne, Destiny, Final Fantasy 14 plus expansions, MGS5 and Severed are all on sale. Battlefront is also on sale but please don’t spend any money on it.
Xbox is also having a big holiday sale for the next couple weeks with daily deals and bonus discounts for gold members. Right now they have Technomancer for $15 and I’m thinking I might get it now cheap so I’ll have it to play later next year while I’m waiting on Red Dead 2 to come out.
What games should we all get on steam to play together?
are there any pc exclusives in this steam sale that are ~essential~ if you’ve not been in the loop for a long time
going to grab superhot, nu-wolfenstein as i still haven’t got around to that & some falcom stuff
there is honestly nothing that came out on Windows only and not Mac or PS4 in the past three years that I think is unmissable. if you’ve been out even longer than that… witcher 2 is still worth playing and I will gladly magicka with you.
that said, Titanfall 2 or Doom are definitely better on PC than they are on PS4, Trials Evolution is better than Fusion if you never played it, and it’s possible I haven’t done enough shilling for just cause 3 or invisible inc or original sin yet because they are all absolutely hot shit
Doom is shocking cheap already, but a little cheaper on GMG I think.
Someone got my Dying Light so if anyone else is down for that let me know
Overwatch is cheap.
I REALLY wanna try this game, let me know if your interested.
HELL i’d probably buy you a copy http://store.steampowered.com/app/338530/
Man, I cannot imagine trying to play that game on a keyboard though. Like just the slide alone would require my hand to do things that it does not do ever, and the wall running is so well tuned for a controller.
“Felix has no concept of when KBM controls are bad,” example 2847
it’s weird because I was at least 70% a console kid and have never owned a mouse with more than 3 buttons so you’d think I wouldn’t be like this
Nah, it’s fair. I think it is just a wiring thing for people. the KBM thing works really well for some people, whereas the controller works well for others. At this point, baring anything in the game that dictates otherwise (trying to explain to someone why they would hate playing Destiny 1 on a KBM is fun), it’s just personal preference.
When I play Titanfall with a controller I have to claw grip with my right hand to move the camera while I jump/slide. Much prefer having crouch and jump on C and Space.
That said, Halo 5 PC feels wrong with KBM, so my mileage varies.
yeah, Halo (and all its sequels, which is something I only remembered when playing free Forge) is the only FPS I’ve ever played that feels better on console
my naive willingness to use KBM for whatever isn’t just about FPS though
I think this is because Master Chief has a lot of momentum which feels fine on an analog stick but feels bad when you press a digital button and expect him to strafe instantly.
I also felt like there was something weird going on with the look smoothing but I’m not as confident I didn’t just imagine that.
iirc Halo 2 Vista has built in aim smoothing, halo 1 shouldn’t tho
limited FOV is also a major annoyance for a lot of PC gamers from what i understand. there are FOV hacks but eh
anyways h2v is a bad port and the MCC version is based off it, original h2 4eva
fite me
Someone get me this please I have no credit card. Steam name Kilroyztc/LittleChiefHare/Topaz