Games You Played Today IV: Quest of the Avatar

Record of the Lodoss War Deelit in the Wonder Labyrinth is pretty good! It is much closer to a stage based game masacrading as a search action game. The movement is fun. You got a lot of options to just shred enemies. Will probably finish it tonight.

The story is mostly incoherent and I had to look up an explanation. Pretty decent hook if it had explained…anything. I know it will explain what happens in the ending but that doesn’t make the 6 hours of game where I am going forward and going “okay” at “kingdom hearts” cryptic “gibberish.”

I’ve never seen Record of the Lodoss War.


And the final post-credits stinger put a real sour taste in my mouth.


Why developers stop doing these first person view high speed Harrier games, it’s full of fun!


really, really stressed out at the moment so i dunno why i decided to play resident evil 4

i’m glad qtes aren’t really a thing anymore


Astro’s Playroom is pleasant palpatory Playstation propaganda per polished platformer. Sony sent me an email before I started playing:

Dear captainlove

Thank you for buying a Sony Playstation 5®! We know they are very hard to find and extremely expensive but we at Sony believe it is worth it. To demonstrate this commitment to the bleeding edge of entertainment, we have reflected hard on the lessons from the past.

That is why the Sony Playstation 5® controller has new and improved motion controls, to give you the feeling that you are really moving your hands. In addition to this we have provided force feedback triggers, haptic extra-definition vibration motors and a microphone (lol). To demonstrate all these features, we have created Astro’s Playroom, a work of art that must be played the way we intended.

We at Sony simply know what is best for you and sought to communicate the joy of angling a jumping frog toy by only allowing you to do so via motion controls, thus weeding out the weak-wristed would-be ‘gamers’. Our accessibility statement (Accessibility features on PS5 and PS4 | PlayStation (UK)) commits to creating a gaming experience without barriers that fits the needs of players of all abilities. Except we didn’t in this case because we need to prop up the perceived value of new hardware by forcing everyone to experience painful features no developer will ever use.

We knew you would appreciate our commitment to curtailing the player base so that you can rest assured that only the most deserving people can get the platinum in this celebration of all things Playstation®. Please enjoy identifying all the intellectual property that we will briefly reference in the game.

Play has no limits.

President and CEO Jim Ryan

Having various bits of PlayStation hardware as collectables is something I’ve not experienced since probably some Nintendo game where you also collect products. The joy and fireworks that accompany a spinning 8 MB memory card or those blue discs for the PS2 is very strange. ‘Remember these memories you had as a child of various SKUs and other add-ons? They were really meaningful all along! Now here’s more motion controls to remind you of the agony and nonsense features of the PS3’. The variable quality of all the IP referenced so far makes me wonder if there’s an Astrobot riding the dragon from LAIR waiting round the corner.

Overall, I actually dig the presentation. The music, vibrations and little exaggerations on the animations all come together in a gloriously pulsing and vibrant reminiscence exhibit. Even more hint why it shouldn’t be trusted.


Got Demon’s Souls running on my steam deck and while testing it for performance I killed the Vanguard demon in the tutorial for the first time ever. It was super easy. I think every attempt in the past decade and more that I’ve been playing I just psyched myself out, or I’ve practiced enough on those erd tree avatars in Elden Ring by this point. Anyway, the little hint of Dragon God you get after that is kind of neat but really silly how it just punches you out K.O. into the nexus lol


me and a friend went down to an ancient city in minecraft. we spent some time running around, commenting on how big and cool it was, and stealing soul lanterns and other items.

eventually, we went into a big building, inside of which there was a treasure chest, a bunch of black candles, and an altar with a skull on it. then there was a loud, angry noise, and a huge monster called the warden came and murdered us both with the greatest of ease.

the server we play on doesn’t take your items away when you die, so we got to keep all the stuff we plundered, but that was still one of the coolest and most fun horror experiences i’ve ever had in a videogame!


Megan Ellison if you send me at least $5,000,000 so I can finish my excellent video game DDD: THE NATURAL PLAYBOYS I will stop writing mean things about Annapurna Interactive games.

That is not a threat. That is an opportunity. Please consider it.

LAST STOP is a Heavy Rain clone. Or a wannabe Telltale Games episodic adventure. Whatever sounds worse to you – it is so boring that I almost feel bad comparing it to anything David Cage ever did. I hope you understand the weight such a statement carries.

It’s by the creators of VIRGINIA, a game I quit because its writers had no clue how much an American pizza cost in 1988.

Its copy describes it as “a video game about secret lives, the ties that bind and how magic can be found in the mundane.” That last bit, about the magic of the mundane? It makes me kinda mad, reading it now. Like, it makes me want to apologize to mundanity. Depicting any of the ordinary shit I do every single day would be more interesting than anything in this game. At the start there’s a slight focus on routine actions like pouring milk or choosing your poison but that soon disappears and all you do is walk down narrow paths and choose virtually identical responses to some of the most charmless characters I have ever seen in a video game.

Sometimes you get choices that seem promising, like talking to an 8 year old about taxes. I was so fucking hype to learn what this dude thought about taxes. But then he didn’t say anything about taxes, I don’t think? I continually felt swerved by the words that were coming out of my character’s mouth? One time I had to choose between OKAY and RIGHT so I chose OKAY and my character said “Right” and it took a beat before it really sank in what happened and even then I was in denial. If @lonelyfrontier hadn’t spoken up during the stream I would have just thought I was crazy, that I was just imagining things, that I’d probably chosen RIGHT, that it was all my fault.

IT WASN’T. I CHOSE “OKAY”. It wasn’t my fault!!!

Here are some other caps of great choices that go fucking nowhere. Except Vape Lord. You do meet the Vape Lord eventually. I didn’t include STICK MY HEAD IN A BLENDER cuz that’s a violence but now that I’m writing about this game at length I am no longer uncomfortable with violence, maybe it is the answer sometimes, maybe I’d feel better if I went outside and kicked a melon into mush or something like that.

LAST STOP has 3 playable characters. They’re all living their own lives in the same London neighborhood, totally unaware of each other, until the Final Chapter, when they all end up on Tatooine for some reason. I am going to spoil their adventures, right now, get excited please.


That bald dude in all those earlier pics? His name is John. He is a single father who works for the housing council. I don’t know what a housing council is (I am American) but this game depicts it as being kinda like Glengarry Glenn Ross but really lame and low stakes and without any quotable dialogue. He has a neighbor named Jack, who is a fit 20 something game developer. That’s his body in the screencap up above, wearing an anime girl t-shirt I picked out for him. That was maybe the only meaningful bit of player expression in this entire game.

Jack & John know each other because their mail gets mixed up often. That’s it, that’s the extent of their relationship. But one day they bump into a dude on the train, and he says “You two here meant for each other!” And there’s a flash of green Xbox light and they get Freaky Friday’d. Within 48 hours of the bodyswap they have both lost their jobs due to incompetence and young Jack is forced to move into the older man’s apartment after he receives a bank statement informing him that he is totally cleaned out and unable to pay rent and he must vacate immediately. I was under the impression that the UK wasn’t quite as hostile towards tenants as the USA but guess I was wrong there, can’t believe I ever watched EastEnders or As Time Goes By and thought “God, I wish that were me, they got it so much better over there.”

So these two go around, they try and figure out how to swap their bodies back. And they fail so much it causes the soft bald body to have a massive heart attack. And that prompts John – the old man currently residing in the extremely hot young healthy body, remember – to seek out the Vape Lord and do whatever it takes to get back into his soon-to-be-corpse. Like, that body isn’t dying cuz of the body swap, it’s entirely cuz John spend decades abusing it, but I guess dying in your home body and leaving your 8 year old child an orphan is the…right thing to do?

Anyway the Vape Lord sends him to a bazaar on a sand planet, where John immediately meets the dude who Freaky Friday’d him, and that dude’s like “my bad, I was cranky that day, sorry, here’s how you undo it” and that’s pretty much that. As the game closes John is back in his chromedome looking sadder than ever, because not only is he back to being fat, old, and single but he’s also way more wheelchair bound than he was before this whole mess started. The end!! No moral.

the hardest moral choice copy

I don’t remember this character’s name. Meena, maybe? She is a spy or something. Her adventure starts with failing the Voight Kampff test. Then she does adultery. Then she goes home to her putz husband and stupid kid and lets them know she doesn’t love them. She threatens one teenager, and then another, because she is a very unlikable woman who continually makes bad choices. This leads to her playing a role in the deaths of her elderly socialist dad’s drug dealer and a rival lady spy whose most notable trait is being maybe the only person in an Annapurna game who canonically owns a dildoe. Her dad rocks, he is the only good character in this game, I wish we’d spent more time with him, I wish we saw him doing the cocaine he loves so much. Before those bodies are cold she is summoned by her boss who lets her know she must go through a Stargate and visit the newly discovered Tatooine. There she meets a purple Elfquest and her boss’s childhood crush. Then she comes home and she’s all cheezed off for some reason, and she tells her boss to go to hell, and he’s like “Well do you want to quit your job and go to jail or do you want to keep being a spy and protect your family?” And you better believe I said I wanted to quit my job, why would she want to protect her family? She hates her family. So of course her ending shows her hugging her husband and child as they visit her in prison. The end!! I’ll never be free!!

be prepared

This is Donna and I only remember her name cuz it’s in the screenshot. Her deal involves stalking a beautiful man who she believes is having lots of sex. She follows him to an abandoned yet sparkling clean pool, where he strips down to his skivvies and takes a dip. This causes his eyes to glow Xbox green so her friend brains him with a shovel. They then tie him to a chair and drop out of high school because keeping a hostage is a full time fuckin’ job.

Donna owns a mobile phone. Sometimes she uses it to take photographs. But her phone is always running out of memory, and the player must make Hard Moral Choices by deleting photos of her loved ones before she can selfies with her crushes. That’s the kinda heavy shit Tale of Tales could only dream of, that’s the kinda shit that makes me go "…that’s so bad ass,’ that’s the kinda shit I’ll easily deliver if the gang at Good Ol’ A.I. (as i like to call them) deposits millions of dollars into my bank account.

Eventually Donna’s mum is at death’s door, because she was sickly, and Donna didn’t notice because she was too busy being playing Reservoir Dogs. She asks her superpowered hostage to save mum, and he agrees in exchange for Donna’s hand in space marriage or some shit. She agrees and the dude just erases everyone Donna loves from existence and whisks her away to Tatooine, where she spends about 2 minutes of screen time acting like she drank too much cough syrup before stabbing the dude to death with a sword.

Upon her return to London she is shown tidying up her apartment, making the best of a life after love, but then the night comes, and Donna goes to sleep without any kind of sheet, kinda weird there, maybe she only had a treasured blankie and the bad dude wiped it from existence cuz it had too many love vibes attached to it. Anyway that guy comes back from the dead and says “I will resurrect everyone you love and in exchange you will grant me your hand in ghost marriage once you die.” And you can agree to this? Even though the whole reason everyone died is cuz this dude broke his word the first time you struck a deal with him? And that’s it, I think that’s the end, I don’t remember what happened after. I do know that Donna had the absolute worst bare feet I’ve seen in a video game, they were like those fuckin’ GTA lobster hands, but for feet, and I can’t blame someone if they don’t wanna model feet, feet are gross, but maybe don’t have them taking 1/3 of the fucking screen during the final scene, GOD. The end! Don’t show feet.

I left out the bit about the dude who builds a spy empire so he can track down his teenage crush who got lost in a portal but that’s fine, who gives a shit, this is probably 4,000 words, I am pretty sure this is the most boring game I’ve ever played, please never play it




never mind FH5 has decided to punish me for my hubris by consistently crashing again despite this issue being reported as fixed

I think I am just never going to be able to play this game properly


Combining game characters that look like this with boring moral choices and adding them saying “fucK” and a bunch of screenshake to see who bites first: Annapurna or Devolver


there is a lot- a lot, of bull shit in last stop. last stop is a game that, even watching it, i was having this constant rage building up inside me. like, this is what people think art is, huh? a bunch of fuckin blender tutorials with bad animation saying stupid shit to each other in a plot that sucks and was clearly written by one or more people who have unironically said “this wins the internet today” recently. the whole going into space thing was completely nonsensical and had no point to anything. at least when you went into space in the original ultima, a scene that was also superfluous, that shit was fun and cool and didn’t annoy me.

and yes everyone, there is in fact a scene where bachelor picked the “okay” dialogue option rather than the “yeah” one, AND THE GAME STILL SAID “YEAH.” i watched it! i was there! it’s been like two days and i’m still mad about it! how do you fuck that up so badly? what then is the point of dialogue choices and multiple paths if something as basic as an acknowledgement is blatantly taken out of your hands. there are 8-bit games from 1985 that still have a better understanding and execution of basic choices!!

there are games that are annoying, or straight up bad. rarely is there ever a game where i have to get up and pace around my house afterwards, to think about what just happened that has filled me with negative energy. and keep in mind: i wasn’t even the one playing. i was watching this in a separate window while playing some wizardry (btw, the first scenario of wizardry: the five ordeals got an english translation). shit like this is why i stopped making narrative games and started working on shooters and platformers.

terrible game. over six hours of insipid dialogue that thinks its smarter than it actually is and only serves to annoy anyone who has ever had a conversation with another human being before. so this will win like nine awards and youtube will recommend me dozens of essays titled “How The Last Stop Breaks You.” go play a dungeon crawling rpg or some arcade game from the 80s instead. good lord.


I was also there for part of and then the end of this.

I’ll let tigress herself explain why it was narratively egregious but what I can add is they went to Tattooine and found some lady that had been there for 40 years and had a husband and kids (offscreen). Then both her and the alcoholic spy murderer both used “Jesus.” As an exclamative within 4 lines of each other. Wow what exciting life differences have led them to have the same dialog tics. If I had not been taking care of a kid and paying attention I would have probably found dozen of little tics that told me “the same writer wrote everyone.”

Writing dialog with unique voices is hard. But if you are saying hey here is the art game about NARRATIVE* and PEOPLE’S LIVES then your dialog is up for that level of scrunity and i’d expect you to rise to the level of those 70s trash novels I like so much.

*- A Note On Narrative: i came back to the game after my friends had played it for 5 and a half hours and were clearly in a haze of rage. The game had the player characters collected on trial on Tattooine. Then they cause an explosion in this court room and kind of…walk awkwardly out of the hole in the wall. The final problem of the game is solved by distracting two guards away from a flower portal vagina, then inside being confronted by 4 guards who the spy girl murders off screen. That’s right you couldn’t even have your game’s problems be solved outside of violence. Check mate. Get off tattooine!


so i guess the shortage of PS5s is coming to a close or is having a brief moment of reprieve, because i finally got one last week without really having to try very hard

this will be a review of both the PS5 and the games i’m playing

The Playstation 5
both the PS5 and XSX homescreens and UIs feel so much better than their predecessors. they really didn’t change much other than “make them run as quickly as a PC” and honestly that’s all they kind of needed to do.

that said, i’m not really sure which i prefer. the Series X being a quiet interface that is just speedy and efficient makes it really easy to switch through multiple games that all retain their state and let you easily switch between them on the fly. i’ve gotten really used to it.

the PS5 interface, in comparison, feels overwrought. dividing media apps into their own tab was smart, but it’s still mega annoying to find the one you want since you just have a long linear list that you have to scroll all the way through to get to the “see all apps” box. the ambient music of the PS5 is somber and melancholy - perhaps to remind you that you are nearly 40 and are playing videogames during a time of unprecedented decline in the world and that this fleeting moment may simply be a memory among ashes, one day.

but seriously why is the PS5 menu music sad

the PS5 controller is serviceable but it’s a shame they didn’t improve the battery life at all. my Series X Elite Controller stays charged for like 3 years.

i appreciate how easy they made updating PS4 to PS5 games, and it feels really nice to be in an age where things are targeting 60FPS again.

the console is as big as everyone says it is, but laying on its side, it reminds me of some kind of museum or arts center.

Gran Turismo 7 - based on people’s reactions here, i wasn’t sure what to expect with this one, but turns out i like it. it’s hysterical though, that the prizes i have received from every ticket have always been the worst prize in the bunch, 100% of the times i have spun the wheel. driving feels amazing, though, and watching replays is such a joy after a tough race.

Ghostwire - need to spend more time with this. feels like it’s been a long time since i’ve played a game from Japan like this - why was it only $30? did it bomb, or was it launched as a $30 game? i have a feeling this one might have missed its mark with audiences, making me double down on my “feels like it’s been a long time since i’ve played a game from Japan like this” take

FF7 Integrade - my fiance’s review: “why is that girl constantly gesticulating”


once the money is gone annapurna games are gonna be the most inexplicable thing for future generations to find out about, like at the same level as all those weirdly overcapitalised old Voyager projects where they’d just give bob stein’s mail guy $100,000 to make an educational cd-rom about mumia abu-jamal, except somehow also the exact aesthetic and political opposite of that stuff in every way. historians after the fact will try to figure out what the deal is with these games and eventually just settle on “FDR-style public works program for ex-Doctor Who showrunners”.


tonight’s section of Alundra was probably the best the game has been. If my save data is right you’ll miss out on one smaller dungeon (probably) and then be told to go north to the cemetary and the back into town to one of the houses where you’ll enter a dream. The puzzles and platforming are micro compared to some of the other stuff but you get the gist of their deviousness. Also no combat! And hey you’ll even get some of Vic sticking his tongue into the dialog.

Enjoy! You didn’t have to play 15 hours to get to this.

Alundra (Un-Working Designs).pdf (128 KB)

Warning it is not a pdf, you need to switch it back to .sav and have it match your American or Unworking Designs Alundra file. works on a Mister and Retroarch.


They paid for that mocap actor’s time, and they’ll be goddamned if they don’t get maximum value from them


Playing games on the PS5 I realise it is just a PS4


The interesting thing about Last Stop is that not only are these characters boring looking but they’re also barely animated. Many scenes just feature two characters standing across from each other, their arms glued to their sides, emoting only by barely wiggling their eyebrows. I kept thinking how it would probably have been easier and more effective to just go with a visual novel style presentation for most of the game, just take pics of each character striking half a dozen posses and cycle through them, but I guess they had all these assets and they had to make do even though clearly they couldn’t follow through on their initial plans?

Like, I’ll give Annapurna credit, every single game of theirs I’ve played had a high level of visual polish. Nothing felt like it had been taken out of the oven early, y’know? Except for this game. And it’s still not a mess, this is still a functioning, consistent(ly bland) piece of software, but Virginia is a much better looking game with more expressive characters even though I’m sure it had a fraction of the budget. I would love to read a post mortem on this thing, it must have been someone’s overly ambitious passion project (and by that I mean “stealth pitch for a Netflix series”) that was gutted at some point, but unlike similar works I don’t see any visible scars, it doesn’t seem like they rushed this out the door at the 11th hour. It’s fucking weird but in a very uninteresting way and I really wanna know just how stupid the original plans were.

Anyway remember to live/laugh/love, you absolute legends


why in christ’s name would it be LB LT RB RT lmfao


what the fuck