(full album)

I love this record! It was one of my favorite albums in high school. The grandiose quasi-academic concept is so much fun… Comparing/contrasting the ideologies of the unibomber and the Italian futurists while drifting into an ecological apocalypse fugue… What’s not to like?

The band actually just got back together and they’re working on a new album. I’m pretty excited!



Digging through classical music and classical labels, I came across this recent release: Palimpsest: New Works from Old for saxophone and choir. Contemporary composers reinterpret old compositions, many from Renaissance era musicians. The saxophone alone does so much for me that I felt like I needed to share it here.


this is my very shit

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Yeah, seconded, that is up my alley as well!

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Getting better w/ every replay, and surprised that it works no matter if listening to it on Vinyl, or as mp3 bgm piped through tinny speakers while driving:

God i love this album so, so much!

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on the 21st of last month I realised I was walking behind Alex Turner in downtown Seattle (Arctic Monkeys were playing here the next day) and might not have recognised him so quickly if I hadn’t watched a video you posted in the Your Song of the Moment thread not too long before that

(this was part of an existential day I was having where I just walked out of my apartment and didn’t know where I was going, just kept walking, stopping here and there to play a hole of Mario Golf GBC, wandered throughout five floors of the desolate Convention Centre, stopping in vacant lounges for more golf, then wound up downtown and he was drifting along as aimlessly and alone as I was, stopping to register the Crumpet Shop as I’d expect an Englishman might)


Wow, so you were part of a real life impromptu Arctic Monkeys MV, how cool is that?

The answer is VERY COOL, indeed!


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Oh lawd, there’s a new drop nineteens


I fucking love french house. There has to be some fucking DJ spinning this somewhere still, right?


fuck i know right

there’s a vaporwave offshoot called “future funk” where producers mostly emulate french touch production but with city pop as the usual sampling fodder, you might have fun there?


i used to listen to Macross 82-99 they were kinda good


otherwise i’d recommend digging into old chicago house (the daft punk “teachers” lyrics are a great listening list honestly) which the french touch folks mined really heavily for production technique? lotta those old chicago folks are still working today (Derrick Carter DJ sets are priceless and that dude never stops touring lol) and new folks coming out of chicago’s local scene are still great for that more loopy funky style of house


i read somewhere that one of these guys were bangalters uncle but i cant find the source for that anymore. anyway i really like french dance music from the 70s


holy shit!
i linked the fifth song but start from the beginning


this has bags of ideas, cool

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I haven’t been this excited about new (to me) music in almost a year


this rules so much

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