it’s a very Flanders-y Evangelical pastor vibe

little too worldly for my blood


haven’t played DQIV but imho Travis has the correct reading here


Veronica remains MVP

Plenty of perfectionist pearls but said nah, tried reloading after my first bad item forge, ha they have a cool down in place to buffer cheesing it

Roughly every 10 hours, XI unfolds another layer of simple n strong craft. Got a bit emotional with developments around 30!

Slime Knights have always been one of my favorite enemies, their field animation in this is the best.

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This is 100% true and i audibly AWWWWed when I saw them.

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the way that monsterguys cavort around the field and occasionally group themselves into weird, ritualistic-seeming formations is very good

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she-slimes following a drummer around was very cute even though they don’t often fight together


When I began the game my eyes quickly began glued to the minimap just like with every other game featuring an onscreen minimap.
Then I found out that treasure chests and sparkly things don’t appear on the minimap, and now I don’t look at it anymore, ever. Which is 100% an improvement, but I wish I could turn the damn thing off in the options now

Pro tip I found that the pep powers that seem to only « lower resistances to elements » actually add a superpowered Rubblerouser effect. Some are immensely powerful and will ruin early bosses even with a few Draconian Options on


That description is exceptionally poor. Why wouldn’t you tell me about <90+ damage to each enemy over three turns>?

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Non DQ11 talk : In the past three or so years I played through the Dragon Quest 1-6 remakes by adding some challenges

  • dead hero for 2/3, have to play with bad princes and randos
  • garbage team for 4 (torneko / dancers / borya)
  • monsters only team for 5
  • each time a new character appears in 6 he gets in the team and the oldest character gets removed, until all humans are gone and the entire team is slimes

They were all excellent challenges that added a lot to the games! But now I can’t find anything interesting for DQ7/8!! I have them sitting unplayed on my 3DS for that reason!

Would like it if I didn’t have to look at red text constantly (happens if one guy is dead in some games) and random battles didn’t have to be avoided

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i haven’t done it yet because im addicted to spears, but fisticuffs for everybody in 8 seems like it’d be fun and surprisingly effective. As it is i like to get Thin Air for Yangus asap, it just threshes random encounters for the first 1/2 of the game at least

I honestly don’t know how I feel about full 3d polygonal Toriyama characters


Personally I’m shocked at how little they lose; this might be the most effective pen to polys transition I’ve seen (normally I hate it). Maybe it’s the gradual line cleanup we’ve been subjected to over the past few decades but his art was always clean and poppy enough that it’s a good candidate.


Toriyama’s best work was always able to convey a sense of weight and depth in his art such that it transitions well to 3d anyway


Yeah I think Nobody Ever Picks Fisticuffs but they might actually be too super powerful for a challenge! Everybody spamming Thin Air!

For DQ7 I might try « one character can change classes but everybody else is like a fucking jester » when I get around to it

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3D Dragon Quest looks better than Toriyama’s art has in ages

sorry but ever since he switched to digital it’s been real thicklined and over shaded and stiff. i love him so much but i think his newer stuff is so ugly :frowning_face:

Just look at the art for the classes on this page and compare the thief art to everyone else, that’s what im talking about


It’s the faces. They just… I dunno. They’re too pointy, or something.

the monsters look increeeeddible in 3D


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