Gonna hex edit my save file baybee (no I’m not)

I agree, the town guards are probably important town defense in a world where smiling drooling monsters frolic in every field.

They don’t have jails – although I feel like Dragon Quest’s world is one where, more than other fiction, elements don’t exist unless they’re needed in a story. But Final Fantasy often has a jail or jailbreak scene of some sort. Dragon Quest seems like a place where government stops at the town walls, for the most part.

Of course, the cynical (incorrect) read is that, as a medieval society, they exile or kill criminals and don’t have an infrastructure of jails…

exile is often a more generous and less cruel form of punishment than jail! Consider the structures of the Medieval Icelandic Commonwealth, which while a flawed society in many ways, had a deep and complicated legal code where the worst punishment to be meted out was outlawry, which while seemingly harsh, was often trumped by social relationships. An outlaw with friends in a remote place essentially had a new lease on life whereas someone in a jail really didn’t. Outlawry itself was bound by 5 or 10 years depending

Jails themselves were institutions originally created for the storing of prisoners before their trial or punishment and not as the primary form of punishment.

Medieval societies did not typicallly use jails at all! Public humiliation, Branding, Mutilation and Execution were the most common punishments in medieval legal systems (outside of the exception of Iceland)


right, and imagine each of those punishments in Dragon Quest art

Well, I suppose they all involve these guys


i think they are already criminals, and their punishment is to wear that silly mask all the time

their crime is, of course, being way too buff


I’ve only played a few DQ games. Is there ever any reason given for who those muscular men are, why they wear that getup, and why they’re everywhere?

if anyone does put a reason in please spoiler text it

i don’t want to know


Started the game last night and had a great time; yes, I played after I took my nightly shower.

The music though, there’s a nauseating quality to it I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s weird though because it gives the game a weird/charming budget RPG feel but I don’t like it. I don’t know what I’m trying to say.


please appreciate my monster team name


hey what’s erik’s accent

Holy shit, just got
To the town of people who
Only talk haiku.

Could this possibly
Be a shout out to that old
TGQ issue?

(I mean probably not but man this is fun.)


He sounds like someone from a Nordic country trying to speak American English to me, but yeah I dunno and all I can do is listen for clues every time he talks. I can’t pin it down.

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yeah ok that’s pretty much what i think too, was just wondering if i was making it up

Is there a way to always get +3 stuff out of the forge reliably or are you just kind of at the mercy of the numbers you get

You have to get the meters filled just so that they’re as close to the little arrows as possible. You can’t really do it right from the start because you only have one bash move which fills them up a fairly uniform amount each time. But as you level up and keep using the forge you’ll open up new bash-type moves that fill the meters at different rates per bash so you can fine tune it more to get closer to those arrows (as long as you have the focus, the fine-tuning bashes use more focus points than your regular bash).

I’d say let’s not do any of that


Man, I gotta admit that the terrible music in this game is really bumming me out. The beautiful settings work so hard to establish an atmosphere, and then this generic major key midi Sousa shit just pukes all over it. I want someone to mod the game with better music or something.


I was in a meeting today (which I dial in to using my computer headset) and was also playing this game at the same time, so I turned off the music and voices entirely. There are a lot of really good atmospheric noises in this game, it turns out.

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(I dig the music)

I bet someone could make some money off of some kind of computer vision / hearing background app that could sense scene changes in videogames and allow users to build custom soundtracks accordingly