Okay, after all sorts of slow grindy questing, I’m HR 49 and gonna do this Tempered Kirin.

Will report back whether I conqueror get zapped. And then, MonHun’s getting sealed away awhile.

I can join in on that, because I still have not beaten that one.

Word I’m down, been hearing it’s easier solo but funk dat. I want to tag team this buzzy horse. Later tonight, tomorrow afternoon I’ll be on. :zap:

uh this is crazy news and i am capital-P Psyched

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I’m def on board to have a portable MohHun again. Sometimes I like to just hunt an easy monster and check off a box or two before bed.

I am perfectly fine with Generations just being a dump of stuff, and portable. Also fine with 3ds saves from Generations being importable to the new one.

I think this hurts me most out of getting my stuff stolen. I have to start from scratch.

i’ll power level you

and yeah there is something to be said for a more structured monster hunter, for sure, but i think there’s also something to be said for an 80 monster extravaganza

i still haven’t had time to “finish” the core story of MHW so i will pass on this

index i have a feeling mh has already peaked and it’s probably going to just drift further away from the stuff you have enjoyed about it as it gets more popular, i am sorry. ;-;

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I am absolutely FREAKING OUT

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as the big monhun localization fan, getting to see the names they’ve chosen for the XX monsters is like a birthday expansion pack

an all-new Elder Dragon Valstrax and a new endgame boss Ahtal-Ka

Boltreaver Astalos

Elderfrost Gammoth

Soulseer Mizutsune

Bloodbath Diablos

Nightcloak Malfestio

Rustrazor Ceanataur

big big big fan of the compound name titles for the deviants

I’m already thinking about what weapon I wanna use (I absolutely want to use brave/valor style)

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i think i’ll play BOW



I am looking forward to more aerial great sword shenannigans.

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aaaaa definitely picking this up

Did a bunch of posts disappear here…?

can you give me a bow masterclass in world sometime

join my program and we’ll have you doing six minute tempered kushala in no time


Hope this is not Diablo’s blood…

I’m a member of the Sapphire Stars

If you, the master of slinging, take it with you

Sorry I’ll stop now

But I wouldn’t mind some RE themed events and gear.

for a second i read that as “Wes Anderson’s Monster Hunter” and that sure was a thing to imagine


Wes Craven’s Monster Hunter