Fatigued Souls (Part 1)

they very lovingly rendered this particular monster’s anus

i changed it to another thumbnail where i’m slicing a dude who is already sliced

I’m about to finish Dark Souls 2 for the first time.

Golly, you guys… the Frigid Outskirts are bad bad bad. Talk about a weirdly low point in what might be the best area of the game. Eleum Loyce was so good, including the wild boss fight at the end. Plus I keep getting the Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex theme song stuck in my head because the chorus is a lady singing “Eleum Loyce” over and over again.


FUN/TERRIBLE STORY: the first time i got to the boss of Ivory King i had not connected that i was supposed to find all the Loyce knights, and ended up having a grueling, mostly solo 20+ minute battle against the charred knights that ended when the king himself finally showed up

I just beat Dark Souls 2. What a weirdly anticlimactic ending! You fight 3 nifty boss fights in the same room, and then you sit on the throne and the credits roll. After such a long quest, that really felt like they dropped the ball. Like… nothing happened!

Apparently you can get a different ending if you skip the last boss fight? Is that cooler?

Capra Demon is the hardest boss fight in the game, imo (sans-DLC at least)

capra demon is fucking great

i firmly disagree. i think it’s way too harsh and reliant on a pretty limited strategy that’s as much luck-based as anything else. i can get through it just fine now but only by doing literally the same exact series of actions every time and wearing the wolf ring, and even then, if one of those dogs decides to dodge one of my attacks, it could be all over in a second.

Like i said, it’s kinda rad that he just jumps you without ceremony, but it’s not a great fight.

My hardest boss fight in Dark Souls 1 is honestly the Bed of Chaos, just because of how many times i die while attempting it on an average play and how actively miserable it makes me the whole time. It does damage to my real life HP


Yeah Bed of Chaos is the one boss I dread every playthrough. It feels like a firm step backwards from Dragon God

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Bed of Chaos is the type of boss design that in any other game would’ve been QTE-based. It turns out that bosses made of nothing but fixed global animations are pretty crap even without the giant button icons.

I kind of love how ridiculous it is still, every time I fight it I’m like “Not gonna get swept, I know where he’s going” and every time he gets me. It’s great


Also you ski into his boss room for some reason


Sometimes she blows you up while you’re skiing! It’s great!! (it’s not)

The Four Kings void arena, music, distant spawns + shared life bar remains one of the most horrific and intimidating moments across the series. I kinda felt my stomach sink first traversing the abyss.

I can still get tangled up trying to position the camera between them, but it always feels awesome getting things down to a swerve and swipe (or the stumbly stab) science.


I’ve never had trouble with Capra Demon. Just keep your feet light.


My girlfriend is currently stuck at the Capra Demon, so she’s dicking around in Darkroot for now. I passed on the Wolf Ring recommendation!

how long will we have to wait for the Streets of Rage Remake of Souls?


I had a lot of trouble with Capra Demon until someone told me a good strategy: repeatedly lure him up the stairs, jumping down and running past him while he’s still on his way up. You can get some free hits in and then repeat.

If I remember correctly, you can also go to the farthest part of the ledge and block, and if he hits you he will fall and become open to a drop attack.

I have never beaten Ornstein and Smough by myself.

I suspect that I will not be able to resist getting that remastered version of the game for PS4 and playing it through again.

the only way to fight ornsmough is to throw poop at them until they die from it*

(* this actually works.)

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That’s how I beat the demon under the floor when revisiting the first area.

the problem with the capra demon is that the room you fight him in is fucking stupid

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