Been playing Infinite Wealth but failing at summarising my thoughts about it in writing. I feel like I am pretty much playing LadYak7 with a Hawaii skin. I’ve made notes but I have nothing more than a list of random bits, many of which the game introduces and we never see again so far.

  • Dating Saeko is certainly a way to tutorialise us through the opening. So far this is the most long running plot element, I fully expect the entire game to end with Ichiban just learning how to have a well-adjusted adult relationship, everything else is just a ruse to get us there.
  • Likeability of chars is high
  • Yamai, the cold Yakuza guy is great. Him turning to look at a bullet is my biggest laugh so far.
  • Moving in battle
  • Narc Vtuber
  • Catfish Game. Typing was ok on my hands
  • American police get whupped
  • Sujimon is dangerous. I am resisting engaging with it but still catch the occasional human criminal(?) who now lives in my inventory.
  • Sickos. Why isn’t this just Sujimon Snap? Or a tourist activity? Why do so many minigames have me managing/reporting social deviancy?
  • Use of the English Language. Sometimes characters just have two voice actors, other times the VA struggles with either the other language or even their own. Bryce is a fascinating one.
  • Segway cruise control is something I hope stays in this series
  • Heiress. If Chitose is actually not an heiress I will love the effort of giving her a ‘fake’ skill tree to pursue.
  • Dwight
  • Underground mall is the same as the above ground mall. The hallowed tradition of implying a secondary economy exists beneath topside that funds the most extravagant and impractical shit.
  • Tourist activity = job. I think they know it’s a stretch but the RPG veneer of Kasuga’s imagination is mostly background by this point.

The strangest development so far. Kiryu has Cancer! Like a way to possibly write Kiryu out for good but also kind of a weird conceit for Kiryu not being able to just Kiryu his way through all problems as he would in any other game. I’m curious if anyone knows if handling nuclear waste storage is a particularly covert line of work, one that Kiryu would’ve chosen to do given his circumstances. Feels insane that we’re pushing this terminally ill man to go through everything we do. But also he’s still more powerful than each individual party member even with cancer. Just feels like a weird thing to reveal early and not discuss. Like how and when are we sunsetting him, what are we doing here?

My favourite NPC