i wanted to beat this on Son of Sparda before Sekiro came out, but that doesnā€™t seem likely at this point. either way, the game is short enough for replays to not feel like a slog. iā€™m really curious to see what they add along the way over the next few months.

yeah I stopped when I got to Vā€™s levels on SOS because I decided neroā€™s new stuff was satisfying enough to not exhaust itself

still a great time

yeah, playing as V after getting Dante and built-up Nero feels ā€œfineā€

Those purp tentacle cleavers have chunked me far too often with V trying to orchestrate the Summon Squad. I got halfway through DMD, maybe return for clean up sometime after Sekiro.

This modeā€™s biggest challenge has always been how enemies (and bosses) enter their own kind of Devil Trigger mode after a certain amount of time; beyond greater attack/defense they become extremely poised and more difficult to interrupt, knock down. The main Nelo Angelo knights get ridiculous in this state. Furies not as much but still messy.

DMCV Pollinā€™

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Having never played a Devil May Cry game, should I play DMC 3 or this one (on hard mode)? Which one would be the best to play today? Is DMC 5 more oriented to button mashing, or can they get equally technical?

You can mash buttons in all of them. You can mash buttons in any game.

Play DMC3 for a good time (I havenā€™t played DMC5 but I have played 3, which is, good, imo)

The technical skill ceiling for DMC3 is unnecessarily high, because the game gives you you way more options (multiple weapons on the fly, multiple movesets, multiple characters, lots of arbitrary beat-em-up tech) than youā€™ll actually need to beat the game on any difficulty. Pretty much all of it feels satisfying.

the tone of this scene is fucking incredible

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You can skip 2 and honestly Iā€™d leave the first game until later. Itā€™s aged better as a curiosity, the weird Resident Evil spinoff that followed Onimusha.

3 through V is when they really started figuring things out design-wise, and where most of the overarching story pertinent to this entry happens too.

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Thanks. I will start with 3 then. Is the PS4 version fine?

Oh yeah, the HD collections rereleases are fine. Same with Devil May Cry 4, the current-gen Special Editions add the Legendary Dark Knight mode that the PC release had, which significantly increases enemy count, as well as extra playable characters.

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Due to how the upgrade system works, DMC3 is best on your first playthrough, if you commit to one play style for most/all of the game.

The skill ceiling in the game is fairly high, because the enemies are designed well and also placed well, in relation to the environments.

Actually using your skill and tools is pretty easy, as the way the combat controls is very good. and you will find uses for all of the weapons. Its not a game where I favored 1 or 2 weapons, the entire time.

Play DMC3 with Swordmaster style, if you want to really uncover the true depth of the combat.


Iā€™m sure plenty have focused on GS, RG or TR to start but Iā€™ve always felt most players would be inclined to roll w/Swordmaster early on, the damage output and variety of moves you can chain are just so satisfying.

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It would be intersting to have some data on what people used.

I often heard about people using trickster and/or saw it recommend in mainstream articles. Mostly because the dodges and evasive moves make the game easier.

The (I think) ā€˜forward + style buttonā€™ teleport/evade to enemyā€™s face with Trickster is realllllly useful, Iā€™ve definitely had fun with it. And seen some players go god-acrobatic.

I also always forget that the original U.S. release on PS2 (the only version of the game which I own) has the Japanese hard mode as the default/normal difficulty. All of the later U.S. releases of the game revert back to the Japanese difficulty settings and also added checkpoints.

DMC3 is a difficult game. But its almost always due to good design and synergy between levels and enemy placement. I have long maintained that people who like Souls games and want something faster, should play DMC3.