i got brown noted by the destiny loading screen when i had e coli

I have, so far, gotten what I wanted from Destiny 2. What I wanted was a game where I could hang out with a couple of friends while we shot things. Minecraft with guns I guess.

so yeah that’s worked out okay but I didn’t have high expectations

i feel like as long as they can put out a decent raid or two every year i’m in
i’m really fatigued by all the adsense outrage videos backed with royalty-free music that show up in my youtube recommendations now though

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We have crossed over into the mirror dimension Destiny thread. I like it! I am fine with the gatchapon loot and milestones, think crucible is generally improved, and think Osiris sounds much more appealing than TDB. I hope they bring back old destinations in the D2Y2 expansion and have fixes for y’all at the end of the loot table. I like hopping in to clear milestones each week and that’s the right dose for me.

yeah crucible isn’t quite as good as year one d1 but it’s way better than anything since
just a shame the pc playerbase are so bad at it lol

Uh that’s a plus in my book as an aging arthritic Halo vet. Coming from post-release Titanfall 2 it’s nice not to get rolled 100% of the time.

Did consoles get bloom removed from hand cannons? That’s honestly the best thing in D2.

no (no the bloom is not gone on console, it must be glorious)

tone has gotten too negative so the stream is canned and they’re gonna make a blog post addressing criticism

it’s kinda crazy how nutty this has gotten.

45 PM

poor datto, he’s so burnt out at this point ;-;

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death to all content creators

at least until i carve my own niche streaming the x68k library


we don’t even have rare, blue quality sparrows to rely on as a constant anymore

D1 expansions never actually built off of vanilla D1’s story, they were always substories. In D2, it seems like they planted a bunch of seeds throughout the vanilla campaign which they are going to expand upon over the next year, via expansions and seasonal updates, creating an an entire arc for Destiny 2 As A Whole. I’m interested in seeing how this works out in practice, and if people are more hungry for isolated substory-type expansions than they are in a drawn out arc taking place over a year or two until the next game drops.

That new Slayerage video about the weapon system really reminded me of this summer.

ok I’m sorry it was hard to resist

I’m still trying to finish the campaign on my hunter but it feels like such a goddamn chore though


yeah, i was gonna post that, but i already said my piece on it. i kinda had a hunch it would turn out like this but i was hoping for better. the only thing i can disagree with him on is that we have an easy solution in going back to d1’s system. nothing like that is gonna happen till d3, and another gear wipe is some how exhausting to think about even this far out.

also, i’ve made my peace with content creators. they’re okay with me.

it’s the true evil is the influencers

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you know what bungie can’t break in an update? me loving spending time talking to and shooting things wiv ya’ll.

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this was a joke but i’ve been thinking about it since


i think maccaw has done a bunch of x68k stuff but there’s always a need for more

i feel like bbh has the mame side covered, maccaw does the wierd pc stuff, and retropals take on the media dumpster of late 90s and 2000s. there’s some good #content out there to be had, we are #blessed
