Den of Screenshots (Part 1)

vagrant story has my favorite dialogue boxes in a video game. dark cloud and dark cloud 2 tried to emulate them, but they don’t look as cool as in vagrant story.


@Khan turns out you rule the hardest


Kid me really liked the apparent templates of names like “______ Story” - cave, vagrant, wrinkle river, yoshi’s… because it implies you can put any word in there and have a game concept.


Kid me had a similar liking for “of” titles: “Secret of…”, “Illusion of…”, “Legend of…”, and such.


Damn yeah I look rad as shit

I should play Vagrant Story


“The Phantom Pain” was another working title for Vagrant Story, or supposedly something that would’ve followed it. There’s a couple points of meaning it has, and a specific skill. That they kept it in game beginning the credit roll means they obviously felt it was significant enough…wonder if it would’ve given pause to MGSV’s titling.


I mean, Phantom Pain is a specific real thing aside from videogames, so probably not. Also, it is apparently incredibly weird to go through, per my mom.

Oh yeah I’m familiar with actual phantom pain sensations, actually have a book on them never reclaimed from a girlfriend long ago. Sounds liked it’d be strangely fitting but we weren’t that intense anyways.

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Hope you don’t mind me asking what kind she experiences? Am I recalling correctly from an area of leg/foot?

An aside on the girl I dated, she was quite the missionary objectivist atheist so we weren’t going to last long anyways.

Oh yeah, she doesn’t care about me sharing that at all (as it is super obvious when you see her). She had her right leg amputated below the knee about 18 months ago due to complications from diabetes causing the circulation there to stop. So she sometimes still get residual pains from the foot that isn’t there, specifically from an ingrown toe nail she had years and year ago. In her case, the peripheral neuropathy she had (again, the beetus) meant she didn’t have a lot of feeling there before the amputation, so the phantoms aren’t too often for her, and have mostly gone away by now, but she talks about sometimes when she is in bed, just still feeling her foot being there, even though it isn’t.

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My copy of Sword & Fairy came yesterday, so I’ve started playing this. Did you have any issue with the HUD being too zoomed in and cut off at the edges of the screen? I can’t see half of what I am doing in the battles because of this, it’s a bit frustrating. Tried the PS4 screen settings but it’s already on max shrunken-ness.

i have had that problem, but it’s a problem i’ve had with a ton of other ps4 games, no matter what i do with the console’s screen settings or the tv i’m using.
so i didn’t even consider it noteworthy

though it does sound like you have it way worse than i do?

I get that crap all of the time too on all games (and streaming) and have to restart the PS4 to fix it.

sounds like overscan / zoom.

God I hate modern TVs, just display the input you fucks.

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most TVs have an option for it

yeah many items have their names half cut off, and in battles I can only see the top few rows of pixels of what I assume is meant to be the queue of actions at the bottom. ‘Continue’ on the title screen is ‘Contin’. I think there are button prompts next to the words in the top corner but I can’t see them at all. Lucky Subtitles aren’t cut off.

My TV is kinda old so it doesn’t have that many options, but I can change aspect ratio / zoom, this doesn’t give me any extra visibility on the edges though.

oh yeah, that’s definitely not normal. i get like, a letter or two cut off each side at most.

Is your TV 720p or 1080p?