Death Stranding 🐋

I’m actively trying to be worse!


gonna try to use “baffoon”, that’s a fun one to say.

not sure why some people i know have such a resistance to changing out their vocabulary, it’s fun to read and learn about old fashioned or often unused put downs to sub out for all the able/sex/race-ist ones, and when you have a conversation and call a bad person you have come across a “baffoon”, the surprised but knowing look on their face is totally worth it.

i feel like “jerk” has been my catch all for the past few years, and that’s been doing well for me.

I don’t want to insult like a fucking Ren Fayre person

The past was very bad


“dense ignoramus” is what I’m gonna call the next idiot for sure. I don’t think I’ll be looking back!


I say this constantly

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I’m just gonna stick with idiot.

Bring back nonsensical witty put downs from Looney Tunes that somehow entered the lexicon like nimrod and maroon

Nimrod is actually the name of a great warrior from the Bible. Bugs Bunny was being sarcastic when he called Elmer Fudd as “a real Nimrod”, referring to his prowess as a hunter rather than his overall intelligence.

I just looked up “maroon” and I think it’s actually racist when used as an insult?

Aaaand now I’m onto a Cracked article.

I should go to bed now.


Yeah I have looked into that. The maroon thing is apparently just meant as a silly pronunciation of the word “moron.” But uh I suppose it is a problematic homophone.

Bugs Bunny calling Elmer Fudd Nimrod is hilarious, and its even funnier that most people now just think that the word is an insult to begin with.

Like Bugs Bunny just dragged Elmer Fudd in the most obscure and yet weirdly specific way, and he did it so good that because we all know Elmer Fudd is a putz we just assumed that nimrod must be insulting, and that has lasted for decades.


Further proving no one has ever read the Bible. You seen this book it’s huge!!


or X-Men


It just making up fresh insults every time you need one not a thing in the US? I question the power of your insulting skills if you can’t call someone a hamburger or cable-tie or omething and just make it work.


we Americans

are exceptionally lazy

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Dipshit is absolutely the best bread-and-butter insult when someone is being a heckin’ dingus.


This looks like a better game really but anyway

Dr Styles!

can someone who knows how to make visual novels and dating sims please make a mock title screen of Hideo Kojima Presents Brunch With Celebrity Friends and also just the whole game as well, thank you


Just now actually watched the latest trailer for this and just have to express that it’s the greatest piece of bullshit I have ever witnessed. I just don’t know how to interpret the “greatest” part. Either way I’ll be amused to see what all this leads to

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