Colonial legacy

ok yeah, and also what about the older ‘God’ games that precede minecraft? in populous playing the game well initially only means that your village’s land size grows and its populations swells. In the end part of the a game your village literally bumps up against the enemys until you claim that territory as well for lebensraum.

In general most (mainstream at least) god/simulation games have always acknowledged politics and/or ethics in some way.Eg in Simcity 2000 your budget choices would be sagely commented on by city planning experts, rather than having the game just let you see the pure effect on the simulation. Black and white had the moral choice aspect of god games as a core mechanic.

They genre name ‘god game’ stuck because the political and ethical connotations of the form were so obvious.

So saying that minecraft maybe could be ‘read’ from an ethical standpoint doesn’t really seem like that obscure a question, to me.