Casting Call for SNExploration 9 - Motoko-chan no Wonder Kitchen

Had trouble finding this thread again because the episode number in the title is wrong, it should be episode 9.

Mayonnaise Mama is a hell of a game. For starters, there are animals you can find in the first few environments that drop recipe cards. Trigger those animals to get the recipe card, and they will scurry off to another location. Follow them to that location, and you’ll have to find the ingredients for their recipe throughout the map.

Occasionally this elf-looking dude gives you lectures about the origin of mayonnaise.

Once you’ve gathered all of the ingredients to a recipe, you enter a cooking mini game where you must carry out the recipe. This can be challenging to figure out the steps of if you aren’t able to read Japanese, but you can just brute force it by interacting with every object if you reach a road block. I made this during my commute this morning.

After that, you’ll take it to the titular Motoko-chan, who will tell you if she likes it, and in this case, dropped in an extra recipe for “curry sauce” in her dialogue:

This isn’t a super deep game but it’s dripping with polish compared to most branded games I have seen over years, and I really dig the sprite work.