Cartoons (Part 1)


I will not tolerate any hate against Teen Titans Go

they made an episode of a popular kids cartoon in which Robin tells kids how to build equity through real estate investments and by being a slumlord

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the new rocky and bullwinkle cartoon does not have enough wordplay and is not really as good as the powerpuff girls episode that was a rocky and bullwinkle parody or like sheep in the big city

but i would love it if i was a kid

the new Thundercats design made me innocently curious about an alternate universe.

— Phil 🍀 (@PhilDragash) May 20, 2018


now i’d watch the hell out of this

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Swat Kats Go


Don’t remember who I have to thank for this, but somebody on Tumblr reblogged enough Boku no Hero Academia stuff that I finally watched that. Kinda feels like a mix of Babby’s First Anime and Recaps: the Series, but it made a nice change of pace from the Frasier we’ve been watching.

My Hero Academia is a shounen that wants to inspect the social pressures on the current generation while mostly still informed by the last generations.

like, seriously, look at most of the villians

  • a textually-described-as manchild who makes constant game metaphors and corrupts everything he touches
  • a 90s-as-hell moralizing hypocrite serial killer who ends up influencing people the most through his post-capture biopic on youtube
  • a cartoonish yandere minion who is an out-of-text fan favourite because we’ve normalized wanting to be killed
  • a generic yakuza arc villian who is constantly fucked with by the manchild’s minions and eventually killed by them
  • a literal fucking “gentleman” video blogger

most of them and the entire setting is influenced by the presence of a solitary and ailing american superpower who keeps fighting even though he shouldn’t for the sake of his own health. the titular educational setting he works at spends no time onscreen discussing morality or history or critical thinking or how to learn at all, and instead just piles on tests of capabilities while prompting kids to advertise themselves.

the problem here is that because it’s a shounen series the protagonists are busy not dying instead of honing any individual sense of how fucked up society is, and also all the female supporting characters get little airtime mostly focused on their social insecurities or the writer being a thirsty fuck. (or they’re jokes, or victims.) the internet doesn’t exist except for rumour boards and superheroics videos. There Are No Alternatives To The Present.

at this point most of the value I get out of it is tumblr’s gay shipping of the butch punk girl and the rich prep girl


I’ve been watching this recently (I’m up to said 90s-as-hell hypocrite) and what strikes me most is still the show’s central premise: Deku is only able to even try to become a hero, only gets any recognition from his peers, because he lucked into getting a rich and powerful patron. Without All Might’s training, and more importantly, gift of super powers, he would barely be able to continue to dream of Socially Acceptable Heroics. Even a Shonen Jump hero, the ideal of Hard Work and Guts, can’t triumph in this society on his own merits.

Also I hate the grape kid.

I hope the series doesn’t try to make me feel sympathetic for Icy Hot’s piece-of-shit abusive dad, either.


i almost wanted to watch MHA because of Frog Girl but my understanding is that she’s not onscreen at all times and people aren’t asking, “Where’s Frog Girl?” when she’s not, so fuck it


Actually All Might points out that Deku could just become a cop or something and to him that’d be as heroic as being superman (and it is in-character for All Might to mean it). And beyond that, the spinoff manga shows a quirkless guy who is, in fact, perfectly able to beat up supervillains through hard work and guts (though he doesn’t get any public recognition for it).

I’m afraid the series is absolutely gonna try to make you warm up (hohoho) to the world’s #2 dad. There may even be hints that iceburn’s telling of his life story is a bit one-sided, although that’s still up in the air.

@r-i Personally I have a huge soft spot for the youtuber, and not just because the timing with some real youtuber-in-japan problem was interesting from a creative standpoint.

The important distinction there is “it’s in-character for All Might to mean that,” because All Might is a larger-than-life figure who seems genuinely devoted to being Superman. It’s less clear if the rest of their society, and especially Deku’s 80%(!!) Quirk-capable generation, feel the same way. This seems like it should’ve been a major source of tension for the series, but, well, Shonen Jump. I’ve had the Vigilantes spin-off comic suggested to me a couple times, and it sounds like much more what I’d be interested in from this setup.

Vigilante doesn’t start very good but gets better with time, although one of its more interesting tricks (that you don’t know where it is placed temporally relative to the main series) mostly only works once.

As for the rest, I don’t think it’s just because it’s Shonen Jump, I think it’s representative to the structure of actual japanese society, presenting earnestly what One Punch Man also features but as a joke, that no matter what if you don’t fit in the established order you’re no one no matter your efforts. To me it’s been a super interesting distinction from the beginning, that both those mangas exemplify the difference between japanese and US society so much through how differently they integrate heroes into society compared to US superheroes.

No Froppy no deal

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anime sux unless it’s gall force


Man I’m just now catching up on OK KO properly instead of watching random eps and the episode Know Your Mom has Jonathan Davis from Korn as an elderly cactus who speaks mostly in nu metal quotes and wow



i’m not super interested in spider man cartoon movie whatever (because I don’t follow marvel comics or animation at all) but the animation in this looks way better and more interesting than even a lot of 3d feature films to me lately and I’m tempted to watch it for that reason (I haven’t even seen this trailer with sound)

I feel weird about the choppy movement that makes it feel more like a stop motion affair when it’s not. It kind works in the action bits. Makes them look clean and snappy but feels weird during the talky bits.

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I feel like it’ll be the kind of thing you can get used to like how the little video-game people moved in Wreck it Ralph

this is the absolute coolest looking animated movie in years and the most excited ive been about a superhero thing since ever