Cartoons (Part 1)


Pretty sure I crossed over from dead Mandela Earth 2 because I have no recollection of this sauce and I remember a lot from my 14th year.

Because those occasional brilliances are few and far between and the filler is a bunch of crap I don’t enjoy. I will fully admit this cartoon probably isn’t for me. I became curious because I’ve seen those clips (because they’re easy gif targets) and a couple friends have mentioned they liked the show WITHOUT trying to push it on me. So I figured I needed to give this a try, see if it sticks like Archer did (and man, early Archer is dire).

Oh, i hope i didn’t come off like i was trying to push Rick and Morty on you! It was more that you reminded me why i like it so much and i felt like gushing about it. Like i said, it’s not normally the kind of thing i like; i can understand if it’s not your thing.

Oh, shit, no no no. I meant that I have a group of friends with a tendency to bring up shows they love and go “you should watch this, it’s totally something you’d enjoy” and then I do and most of the time it’s…not great. Worst example was somebody was so goddamn enthusiastic about The OA and it turned out they only watched the first episode. So when that group of friends didn’t in this situation, it perked my interest more.

I didn’t mean the emphasis to be pointing towards your post! D: I had no issues with it, it was great, blood potion, etc.

I like Rick and Morty but I hate Archer for the “all the characters are horrible” reason. IDK what the difference is, though.

R&M’s pace is probably really helpful

I thought he was supposed to be the good one of that collab, am I getting them confused? Who was the one that came up with the edgy Flash animations for Channel 101?

Honestly, and without knowing a thing about his justifications, I can see why attempting a redemption arc with Rick, a character who is directly responsible for mass genocides across multiple realities as are no doubt many of his counterparts, would be a hard if not horrible sell.

That’s probably fair.
They’re both assholes iirc

I think Rick and Morty is the bro-est of my tastes, other than (American) Football.

Dan Harmon is an alcoholic asshole with mostly good ideals who has a real talent for storytelling that sometimes morphs into self-destructive dogmatism.

Justin Roiland is a hyper nerd in his mid-30s with a really brilliant instinct for comedy and virtually no filter.

They are both pop culture junkies. I admire a lot about them, though I sometimes want to minimize my knowledge of them so I can keep it that way.

The combination of the two of them could have been really toxic but mostly makes for really good, smart entertainment.

At least that’s my read on it.

That was my first read for Archer, too. Then the pacing and clever comedy on parodying spy tropes kept the inertia going and I just sort of let that horribleness slide. I can definitely understand if it isn’t someone’s cup of tea, though; my dad who thrives on 80s action flicks turned it down instantly.

I like Archer way more than I ever thought I would. I’d probably like Rick & Morty more if I watched more of it.

I’m just sort of sitting here obsessed with Gumball though.

I like all the things where all the people are always horrible.

Relentless misery is just my bag.

Archer kinda does the It’s Always Sunny thing of realizing how terrible it’s people are as it goes on, and so turning on them a bit without changing them. This is good, but like Sunny, it makes the early seasons much harder to watch later on. Both still have their good moments early on, but yeah.

R&M would be so much better if it wasn’t for both the incredibly overvocal and self-infaltionary fans and the weirdly insistent counterfans.

I enjoy Rick and Morty from my fan-proof bunker deep underground.


i keep seeing this and thinking, for a second, that people are talking about reeves and mortimer

I wouldn’t want a full on redemption arc for Rick but it wouldn’t hurt to see a few moments like in Archer where Rick shows a few grounding moments and try to be a better person but still be a complete dick about it. Half an effort is better than no effort.

In other cartoons, The Reflection is an interesting thing that exists. Looks like some flash cartoon from the early aughts but with just enough actual animation to look a bit better. Interesting use of colors and camera angles going on. Dunno if it’s good but it’s a neat oddity. Stan Lee also read the title in the next ep preview.

Settle down


That seems acceptable