Carrion (Be The Thing If You Want)

I’m loving this. I started it last night and have it paused right now but I don’t know how long I’ve been playing. I think I’m pretty far along though, I’m at what I’m assuming is full-size (three size levels). I have 3 of the containment upgrades. I love that finding these are optional but still give you new/upgraded abilities.

Combat gets kind of hard later on when you start facing multiple enemies but that might be because I’m using a controller (playing on Xbox). Maybe I should plug in a mouse/keyboard.

Anyway I love the visual look and style. Seeing the tentacles shoot out to latch onto things while moving is really cool and kind of how I imagined my ideal Spawn game to work, with a movement option to move Spawn using just the cape and chains of his costume.

Also really like how there’s no map screen to tell you exactly where you are in the world. Amazingly I’ve not had much problem with getting lost or figuring out where to go next despite taking time to backtrack and look for containment units in areas I’d already completed.

Really cool game.

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