buying an n sixty-four for fifty bucks in twenty-twenty

That never really happened, because I got distracted. But I did play a couple games and I did take some pictures and I might as well post them now why not.

Centre Court Tennis (Let’s Smash in Japan) gets a heartfelt recommendation from me because it is the second tennis game (after Everybody’s Tennis aka Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip on PSP) that allows me to wear what I want.

Hell yeah.

The controls aren’t bad either. Definitely has some pre Virtua Tennis tennis game jank going but it wasn’t that bad after I got used to it. I think my heavily used up original N64 controller was behaving better than the Hori, I had to switch for one of the mini-game challenges. May have to get an original one in better shape at some point. I wish I had more money to spend on marginal old game experience improvements. Still need to get an original rumble pak too. Looks like a couple more weeks of green tea and veggie broth for me.

I also played the other PAL localization exclusive Rakugakids. It’s very cute. Can recommend as well. It has charming cartoon style beginning and ending cutscenes in the “story” mode too, but I don’t remember if they are character specific. Should’ve taken some pictures of those. Needs investigating.

Also there is a way to copy N64 memory pak games saves.

Passport Plus import adapters have this feature. I think since they added the “Plus” to “Passport” (the regular version doesn’t seem to have it, but my Passport Plus “1” does have it).

This is cool because those third party memory paks I got are hella spotty in being recognized and I don’t wanna lose my tennis outfits.