i got brown noted by the destiny loading screen when i had e coli

I think Datto and I had a psionic connection because:

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I thought I would like fixed rolls but I agree that in practice it just means thereā€™s not really anything to chase after. And with armor being like 95% cosmetic, it feels like thereā€™s a huge reduction in viable and meaningfully different builds. I was doing trials last night and literally every team had 3 or 4 MIDAs (with the occasional nameless midnight), 3 or 4 mini-tools / urielā€™s, and wardiff coil / play of the game / the suros rocket launcher with the name I canā€™t remember. I would be fine just playing to collect cosmetic stuff, because Iā€™m extremely vain, but none of the sets are super appealing to me atm and the shader system makes it a pain to switch your gear around anyway.

The advantage of fixed rolls is that it does make the game easier to balance, but the flip side of that is you can boil down every weapon class to a single tier list, and everyone will gravitate towards whatever the highest item they have on that tier list is. There was always going to be some of that, because having deterministic loot sources like in D1 meant you could at least get the best vendor weapons and build off of that, but it seems even more extreme in D2.

Even if you value a specific perk higher than the majority of the community (Icarus is a good example of a polarizing D1 perk), if the perk is only found on guns that are disadvantaged in other ways to the top of the meta, then that perk might as well not exist.

For me, I used to be willing in D1 to go in with a specific gun or archetype that had suboptimal ttk if it had a perk I thought would compensate, like firefly or third eye, or if it dropped with a scope with high aim assist or whatever. Now that variability is gone, and the best gun can be had by completing a pretty short questline, so why bother with anything else? I guess the upside is that greater uniformity in gear has elevated the role of skill in pvp. Or at least the role of sticking really close to your team and all training your MIDAs on the same guy.

we did the thing again

donā€™t really get the ā€˜greater uniformityā€™ thing

the overwhelming majority of people i matched up with in year 2/3 of destiny ran the one viable roll of eyasluna with the occasional rebel on a vendor hawksaw

A meta will always converge towards the top options over time, but it does feel like dramatically reducing the amount of possibilities in weapons has made the convergence happen almost instantaneously. It certainly doesnā€™t help that MIDA is being given out to every single player for completing a short quest.

man iā€™ll be excited to be able to raid in likeā€¦ when i have more than an hour of free time available.

yeah sakurina, i kinda feel you. i am a bit bugged that like everything in the game has sort of become a loot gachapon: put in tokens to the EDZ guy to get a random EDZ item, zavala to get a random vanguard item, gunsmith for a foundry weapon. oh? you leveled up and got another bright engram! sparrow/shader/emote gachapon. thereā€™s lots of stuff to get, but no reliable way to get it. i think it would bug me a lot more if i had a lot more time to put into the game right now, but as it stands most things i get are new to me so iā€™m kinda just happy to get anything.

itā€™s an improvement over destiny 1 for sure, but it also feels like they forgot about a bunch of improvements they made over the course of the rest of destiny 1?

thanks for the free raid and trials weapons guys, btw! (lul) i got the scout rifle but the really lackluster new version of firefly makes me really, really bummed i sacrificed my cool full-auto veist scout rifle to infuse it that actually felt better than this raid full-auto scout rifle.

yeah i honestly feel like iā€™ve been liberated from having to grind strikes to roll the dice and maybe get an imago loop with a roll other than performance bonus + take a knee

i played a lot of pvp in the first few weeks of destiny 1 and 6v6 suros was as much of a thing at this point, just you had to shoot into a cave or - of course - grind strikes to get it

iā€™m not massively into the pvp meta and the mods system is terrible but i will not miss the strike grind

yeah, the current pvp meta seems to stem from this - on paper mida would lose to a bunch of other scouts/pulses in some situations if it didnā€™t have high caliber rounds and this nerf already happened in the first game

handcannons are also back in the ā€˜ghost bulletsā€™ taken king era and theyā€™re only viable if you have the handcannon from trials or the hunter exotic boots that have ā€˜your hits will actually register!ā€™ perks

itā€™s certainly a little more obvious that this game doesnā€™t have the same amount of content as subscription mmorpgs but it never did

not going to lie iā€™m also enjoying that schadenfreude re: youtubers in a panic over not being able to phone in a vendor reset video every week


mods are kind of exactly what i expected them to be: safe and boring. canā€™t really do anything interesting with them because then edge-cases risk destroying the sterility that preserves the Great Balance. so instead, you get to add 5 attack to a weapon and the ability to change a gunā€™s element (probably the first and only good idea someone had for this shallow system).

yeah it feels like something they threw in at the very last minute

thereā€™s the beginnings of something interesting there - the counterbalance perk from the first game now exists solely as a mod and in theory a hunter can stack two of them and maybe make something with janky recoil direction viable but to get anywhere with them youā€™re basically hammering the ā€˜buy random modā€™ button from banshee until you lose all of your glimmer / get the thing you want

also rye i miss playing destiny with you and iā€™m really looking forward to running the raid and having a chat sometime


wtf this is a thing?


i do think stuff like counterbalance being a mod is the more interesting places to go with those kinds of ā€˜non-perksā€™. iā€™ve said this before but so many of the perks in destiny are just bland as oatmeal. getting a gun with a perk like ā€˜your first shot has more accuracyā€™ is just not exactly the kind of thing that makes me want to pump my fist.

like if the core gameplay werenā€™t best in class iā€™d have a really hard time getting behind this game (but maybe itā€™s best in class because they intentionally limit the number of variables???)

Itā€™s kind of hilarious this got turned into a perk when itā€™s literally what the Age of Triumph hand cannon buff was and then they undid it

yeah actually @rye (and anybody else in his position) the raid encounters have a kind of bite-sized quality to them and raiding for an hour to get through one or two of them a couple times a week instead of sitting down for four hours at once feels much more viable than usual, and the raidā€™s novel (cool!) structure feels like it almost suggests that. so you should raid! and so should the other quieter pmods!

as a late-game grind thing i easily prefer mods to tier 12 nonsense and random weapon rolls, though i do think itā€™s weird that some mods slots are tied to certain classes and i wonder if that will get changed down the line. i also think new mods in general could be a very interesting space down the line??

mida does pop up an awful lot right now, though i do think thatā€™s largely because itā€™s tied to a quest everyone can do and the internet is telling people itā€™s good. it does dominate if you engage it at its range with something other than a mida, but it loses to an awful lot if you get just a little closer, and new crucible is so much about positioning and particularly positioning re: your teammates that i really donā€™t feel like itā€™s the only viable option. itā€™s better than any other scout but i suspect a perk nerf will bring it in line soon enough

iā€™m really enjoying trials, the last raid encounter is going to keep being ā€œvery hardā€ in a good way for a while longer, the other raid encounters are breezy+fun, nightfalls have so far been either very difficult this week or as fun as non-raid destiny pve has ever been on other weeks, i havenā€™t tried prestige nf yet, faction thing should be cute, thereā€™s gonna be prestige raid and iron banner next month at least - if anything at all happens in november and an expansion actually comes out in december (!!) this seems like a pretty ideal rate of New Stuff imo

also i love love clan stuff and iā€™m very curious to see what our new banner staff thing looks like when we finish the season (?) at max level, this is all i really care about


so say someone in my house came into possession of a ps4 and both destinies, is it worth playing the first at all?


aw k. isnā€™t there some cute thing that happens if you do though?

There is but it doesnā€™t have as much impact if you didnā€™t play it and its endgame activities with other people, and everyone else has moved on to D2 already