bulletin witch

NOTE: This is an optional reward! You do not have to be blocked by Kamiya if you do not want to be!

EDIT: oh god the video

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an hour and it’s already hit its stretch goal of 250K for a Steam release

This is great but it’s is also LOL

February 13th.


I love that the goal for 101 was so low that this is basically just using Kickstarter as a promotional venue. It’s pretty smart.


hey, thanks everybody!!!

. . . i just wanna clarify that there’s a little bit (a lot) more going on than i might have hinted at in the twitter thread. i have been receiving a lot of interesting collaboration offers and such lately, and we’re in the process of preparing to release MOON in english, and TRUCK HECK is coming along super-well all of a sudden, and suddenly a podcast seems like a MUCH better idea than it did before, and . . . just a lot of stuff!

my ideal plan was to really professionally do up new youtube and twitch channel branding for myself—logos, motion graphics, hardware, software, camera, green screen, new chair, etc—and then seamlessly quit right into my new thing, though planning all that while also working this full-time job just wasn’t working out.

i was making such slow progress on my personal project that it really felt like cutting the brutal new york subway commute and daily eight-hour office-sit out of my weekdays might help me really drill down and finish some stuff. and i feel like it’s gonna work.

so i’m gonna hunker down in my home office and focus on secret stuff (and the final steps of MOON!) for a while. i’ll be back at making videos hopefully in time for animal crossing, and definitely for FFVII remake! subscribe to youtube.com/108x (i gotta get a better URL, oops) and follow twitch.tv/actionbutton while i finish setting my whole enterprise up :open_mouth:

and i never said there would be a patreon . . . i said maybe there WOULDN’T be a patreon (lol)


Come back to us, Tim

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yeah, i’m signed up for this bone beta this weekend too

does anyone actually know if it just sucks or what?

I installed it like three times on my ps4 and then it required to make a Sega account and I couldn’t be bothered.

I don’t care if it sucks

I’ve waited patiently for 8 years and suffered a bad cartoon and have the threat of another lurking about

I will play the game


he should come to a buttcon sure
we’re gentle and fun

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April 16th.

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oh, gotta update the list again too

That leaves 2 games that still feel inevitable,
6 that could happen if they’ve got nothing better to do,
3 that would likely take way too much effort to rework compared to their popularity,
3 that you actually can’t rework enough that they would work without a Wii U,
And 4 that everyone is probably trying to forget ever happened.


pretty sure he’d been the reason the dialogue and characters were so good in their games starting around the time of bully/the warriors so probably there’s no reason to pay attention to rockstar now except to see what infinite money dumped into life simulation details looks like and what infinite money wrecking the souls of the people making these things looks like


I’ve had this thing bookmarked on Itch for ages, my frothing demand etc etc

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Just heard about. It looks gorgeous. Just goes to show really strong UI design can carry an entire game.

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