bulletin witch

All proposals for this type of expansion must include a version of the Japanese Starfox 64 commercial, and presenters must shake with the power of their rumble pak.

only 5 years and 2 months until I’m 35 y’all get ready utopia incoming


oh fuck im 35 im gonna steal all your ideas and run with them like a true american

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aw shit I blew it…AGAIN


but yes I agree with @isfet’s stance on this whole thing

it just really seems like so much of the indie scene around the late 00s/early 10s defined success as “well they made a lot of money”, which yes, a medium borne of and within neoliberalism would probably say

there was so much stifled because the people who made it outside of the AAAs back then were just the same as the people working inside the AAAs but they were independent

so much of game dev looks and feels exactly the same - everyone from production to audio to art to design to code spends most of their time sitting in front of a computer staring at viewports and it’s just so viscerally boring! every once in a while I think about restarting my game projects and I realize that finishing it would involve staring at it for literally years and it just turns me off of it entirely. at least I can switch the box I noodle on if I want to make techno you know?

and so going from that to seeing where the industry is now where all of the power dynamics are pretty much exactly the same in both AAA and indie except there’s pixel art in the indie space, it makes me feel so tired just to even think about creating anything! I guess I’m not cut out for the game dev life and I’d trace most of this back to the fact that creative success and financial success are mostly indistinguishable in games and attaining either means sitting in front of a computer for years while being told that there’s an “audience” out there waiting for you once you release the game as long as you make it right

dance music is in such an interesting place right now! and I think a big part of that is because it had its big EDM moment and then realized that it wasn’t sustainable for everyone and was mostly kind of obnoxious! so many groups and artists and going back to the drawing board and figuring out interesting ways to express and connect identities and marginalization to their music and their spaces and their scenes and the releases are literally JUST AS numerous and vast as the indie space in games is but because the artistic aims aren’t on the whole as vapid as most games are and require a whole lot less effort to get out there, it feels like your random 2 track single + remix EP still has /something/ to contribute to whatever broader project “dance music” is attempting. it’s connected to something bigger! because experiencing that EP can mean anything from bandcamp download onto your device on your shitty earbuds to hearing it played in a club with all your friends and I guess I’m just missing that in games because any attempt to do that is met with cultural and financial pushback from people and institutions and the only way to experience a game outside of playing it is to communally watch a streamer say a racial slur on the internet


somehow as a medium we’ve managed to make creating, directly experiencing, and indirectly experiencing the cultural object look and feel exactly the same across all those modes of participation


“Oh shit people bought Bloodstained


but also woop:


I hope I’m not saying anything too obvious, but I don’t think we’ll achieve any sort of Edenic games culture until we resolve the sociopolitical externalities that demand we let the rich grind our faces in order for us to make a living.


there’s 3d on the gba without expansion afaik

though i think you should extend the limit to the original ds tbh

is this a mobile game?

yes :crying_cat_face:


Yeah Tony Hawk had 3D character models and collectible items, from GBA launch day.

I agree but this is also one of the greatest opportunities in games and the most hopeful part for me; there’s so much of humanity that hasn’t been interpreted like this yet, so much space to be new.


yeah, I’m being precious about my favorite aesthetic experience in games, world presence, which gets hit in big RPGs with varied town tile sets and deep scripts but is most easily satisfied in 3D character exploration.

Anodyne 2 was able to hit this aesthetic by aiming at Dreamcast as a target, and it’s again an example of less-representational art allowing more imaginative space and being much more involving as a result.


chu chu rocket universe baybee

Attn: @toups @vincenttoups @wourme other Cajuns


The text says “Make Friends”


There’s a demo out for the new Contra Rogue Corps game for Switch and PS4. Everyone agrees it looks grotesque but seen some at least liken the action to a much slower but alright version of Neo Contra, Cannon Spike and (@notbov alert) Assault Android Cactus.


Why am I so hyped for yakuza 7 when I haven’t gotten past chapter 3 in any of the yakuza games I already have