bulletin witch

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I’m very glad that Nathalie’s post has led to the outing of not just her own abuser but two other awful abusers and I hope there are real repercussions, and I hope it leads to even more outing.

I could do without the band of gloaters that rears their head every time someone/something they didn’t like for unrelated reasons is under fire:


It’s a small thing. Really small compared to the trauma, dehumanization, and violence that people are subject to at the hands of powerful men. But I don’t see how this helps.


Nice, I was hoping they’d release the weird mega man collection.

I’ve been wanting to play the first ZX so I’m pretty intrigued by this!

(I also never got far with any of the Zeros because I actually really hated using my DS to play them, so I may give those another go, too!)

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god im so glad the alec thing is out in the open now. people have known about him for years but men would still work with him (only once. on top of everything he really sucks to work with) then pass him on to the next dude that doesn’t happen to care about hearing from EVERYONE that alec is a sex pest. alec didnt prey on men so its irrelevant

and there will still be people who work with him, theres probably a whole slew of people waiting with open arms to radicalize him further against women

i hate whisper networks theyre just gossip circles at this point. they do well in social circles. i feel like in a professional situation people should be fired immediately but no we prefer to just ‘keep women safe’ by making them turn down jobs that dudes who arent in the network scoop up anyway, defeating the purpose


Meanwhile in the Magic the Gathering world, a pro that got banned for trying to fuck all the female players wound up making it onto a Hearthstone invitational tournament in Seoul and everyone is rightfully pissed


Ubusuna is finally getting released during the end of the hardware’s lifecycle lol” – A haiku by Hiroshi Iuchi.


I feel like I got milkshake ducked but for the entire game industry

it kind of sucks to think about how fucking long I spent trying to work here


How are you at deepfuck audio engine coding and uh moving to Britain lol


Two others? I only saw the things about alec holowka and jeremy soule

Luc Shelton, who is a programmer with Splash Damage. (I did not know who he was or what Splash Damage was before today.)

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not great at the former, would be ambivalent about the latter! I guess until y’all get your stuff figured out

TGS is in 2-3 weeks and Yoko Tarou has said “There is something I can’t talk about.”


Sinoalice 2

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Bummer about them not being able to get the SNES game on there

This one is very Inside/Limbo but… I’ll probably still play it at some point.

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