Bloodborne October/November Book Club

definitely having that ‘overleveled’ feeling, having now cleared out Cainhurst and Upper Cathedral Ward. spending most of my echoes on vials to avoid leveling up too much more. also that i did the math and it’s a more efficient use of my time than going back to upper yharnam anyway…

the boss of Cainhurst, Logarius, was the only time I died the entire session, and only once. second time I was struggling a bit trying to reliably do damage on the last phase until I just shot him in the face, parrying him, leading to an epiphany of “oh, yeah, i could’ve just done that all along, huh.”

next session probably going to finish up the nightmares, then prep for doing dlc properly.

i love ludwig’s holy moonlight sword and i’m glad i have the perfect build to use it

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Best sword, any/every game

actually didn’t use it much in any of the other games, found it too unwieldy and depressingly low on damage for what it did. (dark souls you wanted to use it no-lock for the knockback, which made it popular for invasions in Sen’s, of all places)

the moveset it has here is really interesting. basically a dark souls claymore normally, and a hammer with a ranged attack when transformed. the transform attack back to claymore mode does a shitload of damage, too. replaced my axe with this for dealing with crowds efficiently, already bumped it up to +9. (i ain’t wasting my insight on another rock though)

the boss ludwig itself took about 8 or 9 tries. kept dying to the rush attack until i got the dodge timing for it down well enough. after the first couple tries i switched to using the old hunter’s bone, to give me a bit of leniency on dodging. second phase was a lot easier than the first! only used kirkhammer in hammer form for both phases.

kirkhammer is probably my favorite weapon in general right now, still.


yeah Ludwig is very good in BB

it doesn’t trivialize the DLC boss but it does make the most challenging optional boss in the vanilla game (who I suspect you haven’t found yet) considerably less arduous

I actually did spoil myself here. The only bosses in the base game that I haven’t beaten yet are Gehrman and Moon Presence. And that’s mostly because I’m going back and doing cleanup on everything else.

oh! E is both pretty tough and well hidden so good on you.

oh, that one. forgot about that.

i kind of consider the chalice dungeons like a completely separate game so I’m just working my way through one chalice a day at the start of each session, since they’re pretty short/easy. noooot quite there yet.

She’s not in a chalice dungeon :upside_down_face:

… … … okay i know what i’m doing next session

i did think that dead end was incredibly suspicious but didn’t find anything at the time

Oh sorry, no i just meant i think the Moonlight (great)sword is the coolest sword in any game. It looks really cool and shoots magic moonlight lasers.

Other games i played werent as cool


It’s a really cool and fun to use sword in all the games too. If you ever make a strong magic character in any Souls game, get the big moon sword its good.

You know I’m a Demon’s Soulser forever because I always think of the Moonlight Greatsword as a Faith weapon

well… arcane is technically the church’s stat this game. and it does scale off arcane.

that makes it a faith weapon, right?


I mean but it’s an int weapon in all the Dark games. Which I had to look up in a wiki to check because I was positive it was faith.

Yeah i forgot it was faith-based in Demon’s. It also didn’t shoot moon lasers, it’s just a cool looking broadsword that i never use because faith characters are super boring

Though hey, mauve’s joke works there too (in reverse?) because God and miracles are just different manifestations of the Old One!

my favorite dumb pvp char in demon’s was a faith build w/ blessed mace and istarelle. bare minimum stats for them and everything else went to endurance so i could wear heavier armor, a mix of brushwood and chain mail

you could feel the seething hatred from people when i just tanked up

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But Demon’s Moonlight had the cool unique property of ignoring shields! It was the backup weapon for a Faith build when you had a person who had like a Brushwood shield and just sat behind it

^^^ like that motherfucker

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If we are referring to Ebrietas, my opinion after fighting her is…

that’s it?

two tries.

As usual I am weak to rushing moves so that got me the first time, but, uh. “hey is the head weak like amygdala?” [squish] “oh hell yeah it is. i bet my kirkhammer can reach it.” [squish] “k you’re going down brainiac”

roughly 50% of its lifebar was spent being stunned or getting punched in the brain from the repeated brain hits causing it to flinch

i only used a heater shield

couldn’t spare the points for strength, you see.

wow, well done! I found her vastly harder than big G but, again, dex character