big OOP

that is definitely what i’ve missed the most as ruby has lost market share and i’ve had to work in javascript more. i loved being able to write code as one-liners in a breakpoint and then copy/paste it back into the editor once the results it was giving me looked good, plus being able to display the source code of anything within scope on command - the exact opposite experience of having to debug the behavior of code running in a webview-based app on a mobile device. i wish repl-based editing was the dominant mode, it’s such a nicer experience

related: i remember being impressed by this video when it came out

i’m generally in favor of static typing, and i’m reasonably certain that moving this codebase i inherited to typescript would allow the editor to solve the “where is this method from” problem, but it’s hard to budget the time for that when i’m the only person working on the project and there are active users with bug reports. maybe i’ll get around to it eventually

it’s vuejs, which i think of as a more down-to-earth version of react. the framework itself is totally fine, but it being less restrictive than react does seem to allow people to indulge some bad habits they might have learned writing php or jquery code or whatever

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