Being Attitude for Gains (gym thread)

Thanks for the tips!

It’s a bar that sort of clips on and wedges itself against a doorframe. It has grips for palms toward me, palms away from me, and palms toward eachother.

I find that multiple sets of low reps are always more beneficial to me than long sets of reps. So my plan is to incorporate pull-ups into my regular rotation of pushups, squats, narrow pushups, lunges, and planks. I’ve never been good at lifting my whole body, so the pull-up bar purchase is my commitment to overcoming that limitation.

Really appreciate your pointers. I’ll keep them in mind when I try again in the morning.

Careful with those door jam mounts. I’ve seen way to many videos of them falling. I would probably at least freshly mount the thing, for each session.

Pull ups are great though. The way I feel after doing them is like few other exercises.

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I always feel like shit after doing them lol

I’m like, my ancestors did nothing but lift themselves up and climb all day and this is what I evolved into??? Fucking pathetic. I’d feel that way even if I was an Olympic gymnast because that still doesn’t even compare to the weakest of chimps.

Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for my bigbrain but this frail body is still a hit to the ego

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Is this uncommon?
I find palms facing each other pullups considerably easier than conventional…

3 months later, I can do full pull-ups today.


I did five pullups the other day because a friend said her husband could do three (i was under the impression i could only do three pullups too)

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did she divorce her husband after seeing you do five


that’s good, always compete with your friends’ partners like it’s a reflex

(I can do six)

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Hate the skinny fucks itt

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Hey now I weigh 230 lb.

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  1. Once upon a time in Japan. Somewhere near Mutsu city, a couple of days before New Years…

The elder brother of one of my friends, was a fire captain or chief (I know there’s a big difference, but I can’t remember, exactly). After trying on a firesuit, he led me to the back of a fire truck and asked how many pullups I could do, motioning toward the top of the truck.

I did a few. I can’t remember exactly how many. But I do remember how many he did.

He first put on a full utility belt, which is like 30lbs. And then he did 30 pullups. One for each pound. He must have been planning and waiting for me. Because, he distinctly used lbs, in the moment.

Here’s me in the suit


At 200lbs I can’t do a single pullup. I am very excited about getting down to my goal weight of 160 and seeing how many pull ups I can do.

Re me: I’ve been sick for five days, so I have barely left my bed for anything let alone working out

2 runs before getting sick I ran 30min straight (personal record!). I also was wearing cotton boxer briefs, chafed up the inside of my legs, and remembered what got me to quit running last time.

A while ago I bought a pack of briefs (like, no legs) by accident and couldn’t return them. I am going to use those and hopefully I don’t chafe in them. I also have 1 tight spandex box brief that I can do super sweaty runs in.

That’s my update!

Thanks for being here with me.

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Boxer briefs are incredibly necessary for any thunder thigh exercise situation

How do you deal with the sweating and chafing? Do you powder it up? I didn’t hurt myself too bad last time, but man… when I went like 10 miles once it hurt for a long time

Not a preventative solution, but a little bit of hydrocortisone cream has really helped anytime I’ve gotten a rash between the thighs after exercise.

Do you only chafe with the cotton? For some people, problem with cotton wear, can simply mean switching to a full synthetic. And vice versa.

However, if you are particularly sensitive, you may have to hunt around for different materials or invest in some super bro exercise stuff. I have zero experience with them, but meundies are supposed to be some super soft, relatively uncommon material.

I also think that sometimes, chaffing can be overcome by simply repeating that activity enough times. At the start of basic training there were some guys with bleeding nipples. Because their nipples weren’t used to rubbing along with the cadence of frequent jogging. But it cleared up eventually.

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I might not be cool enough to want to work out through the pain, but I’ll keep that in mind as an option. I do have (one pair of) synthetic boxer briefs that worked for one sweaty workout. One pair is not enough for workouts between washings tho.

I don’t suspect rubbing bare sweaty legs together will chafe as much as against sweaty cotton. I am not very hairy, so yeah. I haven’t had a warm enough day to test that hypothesis, though.

I’ve been doing burpees instead of running because it’s cold outside and let me tell you that burpees kinda suck

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Once you get over the hump though, they’re kinda great.

Also, do them out in the cold :wink:

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