Being Attitude for Gains (gym thread)

Things I’ve done during quarantine: Tried following a calisthenics program from a book I got in a humble bundle for about two weeks before getting tired of it. I can’t do a pullup without a green and purple band and I kinda stopped feeling it.

I bought two five gallon jugs with handles from walmart and those are now my 40lb kettle bells that I use to do farmer carries down my street. I’ll walk down about two houses and circle back where my forearms start to burn super hard when I put them down. Then using some rope and a tree I do bodyweight rows and adjust my feet to where I feel is adequate resistance. Then I do some face pulls in the same set up. so it goes something like:
Bodyweight Row 10-12 (sometimes hands straight to chest or twist with hands tucked under shoulder to get some biceps included)
farmer carry
face pull with a second hold 5-6

Then I do the circuit 3 times so I don’t blow out before work.

I’ll also use the jugs and do some Romanian Deadlifts and whatever else I can find to do with them. I did get a pull up bar that I haven’t done much focused work with yet. Every day I try to work on my dead hang time and see how many ab crunch/leg lefts I can go before my grip gives out. I have amassed a full set of resistance bands, both looped and flat and mini to find other ways to work some specific zones. They are also very portable and easy to take to work. Thinking about getting a sand bag so I can get some deadlifts in and other big weight exercises. With that I might be able to start running the 5x5 mentioned in the beginning of the thread.