Okay I played through a bit of this earlier today, although I neglected to do much of mental note taking along the way.

  • It seems to have more bits of animation here and there compared to what I recall from the earlier version, it’s nice and makes it feel a bit more alive.

  • I thought stages 4 and 5 did a good job of introducing the lessons they were meant to, well enough put together that I put “4!, 5!” on my little daily calendar I have next to my keyboard.

  • I forget exactly how the undoing and restarting things were handled before, but they seemed fine here.

  • …The purpose of feedback is to be both honest and hope that being honest is helpful. I don’t know if stage 10 is just a big difficulty spike or if it is just a case where my brain is simply failing to parse something that should be obvious but I put a bunch of time into it, stopped to actually break it down element by element, basically I put the work into it and felt like I got no closer to any sort of solution. If this was a game I was playing on my own that I happened to stumble upon or what have you I would say with… let’s say 75-80% certainty that I’d go “screw this” and be done with it. Again this could just be a me thing, I’ve played enough puzzle games where my brain somehow breezes through a puzzle that trips most up while getting hung up on ones other would consider to be easy to know it is always a possibility (especially when it is only puzzle ten out of forty or so).

I actually took screenshots of my process with stage 10, so while you probably know it inside and out on the off chance an outside perspective helps (if not skip)…

This seems to be the inevitable opening move based on my current understanding of how the game works, if there is a way to move those two teleporter squares from beyond I haven’t been able to figure it out.

Looking at that top section my belief is that I can only move that upper teleporter block once, either left or right; once that is done so it isn’t possible to be able to push it left or right again and I haven’t stumbled upon any way to pull them. This suggests to me that the first shape sent up there needs to be the heart in order to clear out that central space. If I send a different shape there like the circle it seems to block me being able to step through the teleporter after it, and I have not found a way to push a teleporter on the side that teleports so I can’t move it down a row. Hence it seems to be that the heart goes through first, then either other shape can be next and go where the heart block previously was. Afterwards I move the teleporter left or right so that last shape is lined up with the matching block, which should allow me to take care of all three of them.

There is no real way I can see to get to the heart to the teleporter without moving it. Moving it down would seem to be the only valid move if this is true as if I move it to the right it is against the edge. If this is true then the only valid next move would be to push it and the circle left one square. At this point I would note the two restrictions I see in place that limit my options a good deal. The yellow diamond cannot be moved to the right as that would get it stuck in that lower corner, and while that would allow me to push the teleporter from behind into it that leaves me with no way to follow after it as that would mean the active side is against the edge itself (I really thought I had it solved before this point). That suggests that the diamond’s movement is restricted to those two central lower squares.

Also as noted before as far as I can determine at this point I cannot figure out a way to push a teleporter back on its active side, which means that I cannot move the teleporter to the right until the diamond is accounted for. At this point it feels like the diamond can only be teleported while it is on the square pictured above while the teleporter is on the square to its immediate left, although I am not sure that is a 100% fact. Once the teleporter goes to that bottom row it will be stuck there, which I think means that until the diamond is addressed the teleporter has only two-three moves of freedom: where it is, one block down and eventually that bottom row one.

This is where I keep ending up moving after this which on the surface seems like the only valid one but where I worry the error in my judgement may be. This allows me to get the heart to its matching block without much difficulty and would appear to leave me some options with how to deal with the other two shapes, but…

If I then try to move the circle out from behind while it gives me full freedom to move it where desired I can’t see a way to then use the diamond in any useful way.

If I instead move the yellow diamond back to its original location, either next move I have seems ruinous. If I move yellow another spot to the right I am done, but if I move blue and teleporter up the teleporter is than stuck. So clearly this is all wrong as well.

Which suggests heavily this is wrong as I feared. The issue is this seemed like the most promising course as all the others were problematic.

The other move I had here was to move the teleporter down a spot and push the circle and heart through, but that seems to get the circle stuck in the left corner in the area to the right which seems like a dead end.

After a while of this I got frustrated, shut the window and moved onto something else. Looking at these images and trying to piece things together I am pondering if perhaps the job is simply to move the circle over to the right area, move the teleporter and then move the circle back to the bottom area in a more beneficial position but that appears to have some issues as well (would require using up that falling square, red would likely end up directly above yellow with blue in the spot red initially was). Regardless I used up the mental energy I had to spare on this for the day so maybe I’ll go poke around more tomorrow).

I support the ability to skip puzzles for the benefit of others, I will almost never use it especially for early “game is still trying to teach you” ones. What this mean is there is a solid possibility I won’t be able to offer any thoughts on later puzzles if I don’t figure this one out within a half hour or so whenever I get around to it, so if that happens sorry about that.