And you thought YOUR dad was bad!!! (Hades)

This is a very good post that highlighted why dying in Hades feels so bad for me. It’s never because of some combination of mechanics resulting in a surprising outcome, which is something that happens often in, say, Spelunky or Shiren. There’s nothing like triggering a trap that knocks down a wall that angers a shopkeeper who shotguns you to death, right? So far in Hades runs are largely the same aside from boons. And if I die it’s cuz I failed to dodge a bullet or misread a room and hit a trap. Like, this may have a bunch of rogue-lite trappings but right now it feels more like a 2D Devil May Cry – a game where enemies aren’t much of a threat and the real challenge comes from killing them efficiently and stylishly – that is steadily nudging me towards a victory. And I’m glad it’s doing that cuz there’s no way I’d keep playing it otherwise. Without all the upgrades and alt weapons this is a total drag of a game. But with the right build blowing stuff up is pretty pleasant.