At the moment I’m just keeping an epiphany journal. If I think of an interesting phrase, concept, story fragment, or quote - whatever it is - I just get it down. I don’t set an expectation of length but dating the stuff will be interesting for future me, I hope.
For a long time I’ve kept a narrative journal where I just explain things that have happened to me around the time I do the entry. I don’t pressure myself to make it regular because I already know that I like writing a journal. But I’ve recently started a separate journal that may be like what captainlove describes. A book for ideas or thoughts on some project or thing I am interested in. I don’t really mix the two.
The first journal is useful for me to get some distance on things. I write through my feelings, explaining the cause of them or trying to describe them as best as I can, and generally by the end of my entry I feel like I’ve discovered some aspect of the thing that I couldn’t appreciate before.
Someone needs to start making glass journals
I think the morning notes concept is cool - put a composition book and pen on your nightstand, and as soon as you wake up write whatever comes to mind. Good way to be creative and ‘break the seal’
the other good place to start is a pocket notebook - something between a7 and field notes - take it everywhere and write whatever you need, errands, tasks, funny thoughts, etc. this is basically how I started and then, when I found I was writing a lot of narrative type things, split those off into a leather journal
good video on reducing screen time
to go along with this great post by kate wagner on ‘phoneworld’ and the present hellscape
which links to this financial times article
the Monitoring the Future study has been asking 18-year-olds whether they have difficulty thinking, concentrating or learning new things. The share of final year high school students who report difficulties was stable throughout the 1990s and 2000s, but began a rapid upward climb in the mid-2010s.
in 2022 the share of Americans who reported reading a book in the past year fell below half.
the share of adults who are unable to “use mathematical reasoning when reviewing and evaluating the validity of statements” has climbed to 25 per cent on average in high-income countries, and 35 per cent in the US.
So we appear to be looking less at the decline of reading per se, and more at a broader erosion in human capacity for mental focus and application.
Research finds that active, intentional use of digital technologies is often benign or even beneficial.
I am constantly inventing on-paper specialized scheduling formats.
I will make some printable templates and post them here tomorrow.
There are: Spiral Schedule, Pyramid Scheme, and Pyramid Scheme 2. I have also just invented Snake Scheduler.
Thanks SB.
This is an on-paper productivity ‘app’ called Priority Pyramid (I misremembered it as ‘Pyramid Scheme’ above (yes a joke title))
So yeah the task in the top level definitely gets done.
Only 1 out of the 3 tasks in the bottom level get done so they can be less pressing tasks in terms of time urgency or how much you care about them or even like cost/time or some other resources to get done. But you have still written them out and flagged them as like : “on your agenda” or whatever so yeah
Goal area is just the general like life area that you are trying to get organised like maybe “organise study desk” or “my dream indie game development ambition” or WHATEVS YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE YOUR MARK ON OR YEAH SB
I’ve deleted every social media off my phone except tumblr/discord (used to communicate w @digs ) and sb
I’m still goof off city but at least I am reminded to goof off in more productive ways, like write in notebook or read book.
I also have begun taking notes in my Jazz class notebook of things that are not from class but might be helpful… tips from YouTube videos, jazz books I read, stuff like that
current count of active notebooks
- narrative journal (hardcover ruled a5)
- personal bujo slash daily log (a6 slim)
- pocket notebook / scratch pad (a7)
4. jazz class notebook (a5)
5. piano practice journal / scratch pad (spiral bound B6 ish)
6. French notebook (spiral a6)
7. politics thoughts and readings - working notebook (a5)
8. work tasks / meeting notes (spiral a6 ish)
Logistics question
I hate carrying around multiple notebooks when I’m out. I feel like storage and what’s portable is a tricky decision. I’m also paranoid about losing all my journal notes when out and about
I guess it wasn’t a question
they make little edc bag organizers for ur note’s
but yeah this is a really big argument in favor of A6 n below. A6 will fit in my jacket pocket, Field Notes or A7 will fit in my pants pocket. B6-A5 will fit in a small bag. Much above that and it’s too cumbersome for me
protip flip your A6 dot or graph notebook side ways, now you have an A5 page. I’ve been doing this recently, splitting the spread into quarters, it feels more spacious somehow. it’s basically looking at 4 A7 pages simultaneously if you think about it