
Releaser’s Quest is extra tough with a weapon (and jump) range so short! I did help Alundra finish once, in high school. Always associating Xenogears and Vagrant Story from that play era, so I threaded thinking I’d get somehow get around to all three this year.

It really is pretty somber overall from the sprite art to music and plot arc, even the colorful anime intro (<3 that eternal synth rock jam) gives a look at some really twisted and foreboding, very 90’s grim scenarios/antagonists.

Couldn’t spoil fit for you if I tried, the finer details are flood lost 20 years…could be a few nice village folks meeting real bad ends.

iirc the zeldish desert is southeast, instead of sw.

Hardest overhead action/adventure puzzles ever, least for when I played it.

Almost traded my age dried gamestop stickery copy for like, $40 a few months ago. But nah

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