all things #shrugpunk

yeah all the memes originated making fun of this guy

it doesn’t take numerology to figure out a man who wants to protect his white child from imaginary animals with a gun on his huge property is probably a bigot?

i dont think anyones turned into a nazi reading your jokes about a bunch of pigs cuz the numbers add up to eight


i guess what they’re saying is he started it as a way to signal nazi stuff intentionally?
i think it’s less about ’ converting ’ and more about being a cryptofascist which isn’t that weird in the land of twitter


i didn’t need to decode anything to know that the dude was a fascist tho

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Why are they trying to hurt the heroic robot who stabs all those CBP officers?

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With all other options having run out Spawn puts his trust in the dong skull

He then walks out of the fire towards Violator and Godsend, and Violator asks how he can be alive without his suit and his powers. That’s when Spawn explains to him that those aren’t what give him his powers, and starts to put his suit together piece by piece. He uses the ashes of those fallen to recreate his white markings and then replicates his chains by wrapping pieces of barbed wire around his arms.

He then picks up a tattered red cape and puts it around his neck, followed by a burning skull that he places right in the center of his abdomen into his skin.

Last but not least is the spikes, which are nails and other shrapnel that he picks up and stabs through his own hands. He emerges from all this by declaring “I Am Spawn”, and you can check out the final result in the image above.

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That settles it, my next D&D character will be a medieval Korean gish

Maybe it’s that murky historicity that gets in the way. I mean, it’s possible that half of all the records we have of Four Tigers Swords is pre-modern period fanon.

idk this hasn’t prevented western popular culture from plundering japanese “history” for the last century+

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the anachronistic use of ‘fan-fiction’ is extremely irritating to me



Javanese 15th century hog




Paparazzi shots of an active set, for the Redwall movie!

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Refn will serve as showrunner and will direct the entire series with John Hyams.

Set in Los Angeles, “Maniac Cop” is said to be told through a kaleidoscope of characters, from cop to common criminal. A killer in uniform has uncaged mayhem upon the streets. Paranoia leads to social disorder as a city wrestles with the mystery of the exterminator in blue. Is he mere mortal, or a supernatural force?

“I’ve always been a devoted admirer of John Hyams,” said Refn. “We’ve been talking about a re-imagining of the ‘Maniac Cop’ films for a number of years, but as we continued to work on the material, we found ourselves wanting to explore the world we were creating in greater depth. Turning ‘Maniac Cop’ into a series will allow us to realize our wildest ambitions and to reach an enormous audience though partners HBO and Canal Plus. This show will be an unadulterated, action-packed horror odyssey. Given the current state of the world, though, ‘Maniac Cop’ will also be a strong commentary on the decline of civilization.”